4.406 InkCanvas
x:Object > DependencyObject > Visual > UIElement > FrameworkElement > InkCanvas, IInputElement | |
InkCanvas | |
(usage) |
<InkCanvas> UIElement* </InkCanvas> |
(description) |
Defines an area that receives and displays ink strokes. |
[content property] |
Children |
[name property] |
Name |
[xml lang property] |
Language |
(properties) |
Background |
Brush |
(description) |
A Brush. The brush is used to fill the border area surrounding a InkCanvas. |
Children |
UIElementCollection |
(description) |
Retrieves child elements of the InkCanvas. |
[read only] |
true |
DefaultDrawingAttributes |
DrawingAttributes |
(description) |
The drawing attributes that are applied to new ink strokes made on the InkCanvas. |
DefaultStylusPointDescription |
StylusPointDescription |
(description) |
The stylus point description for an InkCanvas. |
EditingMode |
InkCanvasEditingMode |
(description) |
The user editing mode used by an active pointing device. |
EditingModeInverted |
InkCanvasEditingMode |
(description) |
The user editing mode if the stylus is inverted when it interacts with the InkCanvas. |
MoveEnabled |
x:Boolean |
(description) |
A Boolean value which indicates whether the user is enabled to move selected ink strokes and/or elements on the InkCanvas. |
ResizeEnabled |
x:Boolean |
(description) |
A Boolean value that indicates whether the user can resize selected ink strokes and/or elements on the InkCanvas. |
Strokes |
StrokeCollection |
(description) |
The collection of ink Stroke objects collected by the InkCanvas. |
UseCustomCursor |
x:Boolean |
(description) |
A Boolean value that indicates whether to override standard InkCanvas cursor functionality to support a custom cursor. |
(attachable properties) |
InkCanvas.Bottom |
x:Double |
(description) |
The distance between the bottom of an element and the bottom of its parent InkCanvas. |
[target type] |
UIElement |
[text syntax] |
LengthSyntax |
InkCanvas.Left |
x:Double |
(description) |
The distance between the left side of an element and the left side of its parent InkCanvas. |
[target type] |
UIElement |
[text syntax] |
LengthSyntax |
InkCanvas.Right |
x:Double |
(description) |
The distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent InkCanvas. |
[target type] |
UIElement |
[text syntax] |
LengthSyntax |
InkCanvas.Top |
x:Double |
(description) |
The distance between the top of an element and the top of its parent InkCanvas. |
[target type] |
UIElement |
[text syntax] |
LengthSyntax |
(events) |
ActiveEditingModeChanged |
Occurs when the current editing mode changes. |
DefaultDrawingAttributesReplaced |
Occurs when the DefaultDrawingAttributes property is replaced. |
EditingModeChanged |
Occurs when the EditingMode property of an InkCanvas object has been changed. |
EditingModeInvertedChanged |
Occurs when the EditingModeInverted property of an InkCanvas object has been changed. |
Gesture |
Occurs when the InkCanvas detects a gesture. |
SelectionChanged |
Occurs when the selection on the InkCanvas changes. |
SelectionChanging |
Occurs when a new set of ink strokes and/or elements is being selected. |
SelectionMoved |
Occurs after the user moves a selection of strokes and/or elements. |
SelectionMoving |
Occurs before selected strokes and elements are moved. |
SelectionResized |
Occurs when a selection of strokes and/or elements has been resized by the user. |
SelectionResizing |
Occurs before selected strokes and elements are resized. |
StrokeCollected |
Occurs when a stroke drawn by the user is added to the Strokes property. |
StrokeErased |
Occurs when user erases a stroke. |
StrokeErasing |
Occurs just before a user erases a stroke. |
StrokesReplaced |
Occurs when the Strokes property is replaced. |