2.1.1839 Part 4 Section, shapedefaults (New Shape Defaults)

For additional notes that apply to this portion of the standard, please see the notes for pict, §; pict, §14.5.1(a); background, §17.2.1(a); arc, §,ee-hh,mm,ddd, eee,ggg-lll,ttt-www,dddd-ffff,iiii, jjjj); curve, §

a.   The standard makes no mention of an insetmode attribute.

Office uses this attribute to specify how inner text margins are obtained; its allowed values are defined by the ST_InsetMode simple type, with a default value of custom.

b.   The standard makes no mention of an allowoverlap attribute.

Office uses this attribute to specify whether a shape can overlap another shape; its allowed values are true and false, where false will cause the shape to shift left or right to avoid an overlap.

c.   The standard does not state that the imagedata element is a valid child of the shapedefaults element.

Office allows the imagedata element to be a child of the shapedefaults element.