2.1.1830 Part 4 Section, left (Text Box Left Stroke)

For additional notes that apply to this portion of the standard, please see the notes for pict, §; pict, §14.5.1(a); hdrShapeDefaults, §; shapeDefaults, §; background, §17.2.1(a); bottom, §,d-k); column, §

a.   The standard indicates the conditions under which the left element is displayed.

In Office, this element is only displayed if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The on attribute is true.

  • The shape’s path is closed with the x command.  [Note: This implies that arrow heads should be defined on the stroke attribute. end note]

  • The shape’s path defines a rectangle with corner coordinates exactly equal to 0,0; 21600,0; 21600,21600; 0,21600.  [Example: For example, the following value on the path attribute of the shape element ("[ISO/IEC-29500-4] §; shape (Shape Definition)") satisfies this condition: path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe" end example]

  • The value of the shape’s spt attribute is 202.

  • The shape is not stroked.

If the on attribute is false or not specified, the border is not shown.

[Note: The shape is not stroked if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The value of the on attribute of the stroke element ("[ISO/IEC-29500-4] §; stroke (Line Stroke Settings)") is false.

  • The on attribute of the stroke element is absent and the value of the shape’s stroked attribute is false.

  • The on attribute of the stroke element is absent, the shape’s stroked attribute is absent and the value of the stroked attribute of the shapetype element ("[ISO/IEC-29500-4] §; shapetype (Shape Template)") is false.

end note]