IMSMQQueueInfo4 Interface

The IMSMQQueueInfo4 interface provides methods that return information about a queue on a specific server. The version number for this interface is 1.0.

There are three previous versions of this interface: IMSMQQueueInfo, IMSMQQueueInfo2, and IMSMQQueueInfo3. These previous versions are nearly identical but have somewhat fewer methods. All differences from previous versions are described in Windows behavior notes in the method descriptions that follow.

To receive incoming remote calls for this interface, the server MUST implement a DCOM object class with the CLSID {d7d6e07c-dccd-11d0-aa4b-0060970debae} (coclass MSMQQueueInfo as specified in section 1.9), which implements the IMSMQQueueInfo4 interface using the UUID {d7d6e07c-dccd-11d0-aa4b-0060970debae}.

The following opnum table begins at opnum 7. Opnums 0 through 2 are inherited from the IUnknown interface, as specified in [MS-DCOM] section Opnums 3 through 6 are inherited from the IDispatch interface, as specified in [MS-OAUT] section 3.1.4.

Methods in RPC Opnum Order



QueueGuid, get QueueGuid

Returns the unique identifier of the queue.

Opnum: 7

ServiceTypeGuid, get ServiceTypeGuid

Returns an identifier that indicates the type of service provided by the queue.

Opnum: 8

ServiceTypeGuid, put ServiceTypeGuid

Sets an identifier that indicates the type of service provided by the queue.

Opnum: 9

Label, get Label

Returns the label of the queue.

Opnum: 10

Label, put Label

Sets the label of the queue.

Opnum: 11

PathName, get PathName

Returns the path name of the queue.

Opnum: 12

PathName, put PathName

Sets the path name of the queue.

Opnum: 13

FormatName, get FormatName

Returns the format name that was set when the queue was created.

Opnum: 14

FormatName, put FormatName

Sets the format name that is used to identify the queue.

Opnum: 15

IsTransactional, get IsTransactional

Returns a value that indicates whether the queue is a transactional queue.

Opnum: 16

PrivLevel, get PrivLevel

Returns the privacy level for the queue.

Opnum: 17

PrivLevel, put PrivLevel

Sets the privacy level for the queue.

Opnum: 18

Journal, get Journal

Returns the journaling level for the queue.

Opnum: 19

Journal, put Journal

Sets the journaling level for the queue.

Opnum: 20

Quota, get Quota

Returns the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the queue.

Opnum: 21

Quota, put Quota

Sets the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the queue.

Opnum: 22

BasePriority, get BasePriority

Returns the base priority of a public queue.

Opnum: 23

BasePriority, put BasePriority

Sets the base priority of a public queue.

Opnum: 24

CreateTime, get CreateTime

Returns a value that indicates the date and time when the queue was created.

Opnum: 25

ModifyTime, get ModifyTime

Returns a value that indicates the date and time when the queue's properties were last modified.

Opnum: 26

Authenticate, get Authenticate

Returns the authentication level for the queue.

Opnum: 27

Authenticate, put Authenticate

Sets the authentication level for the queue.

Opnum: 28

JournalQuota, get JournalQuota

Returns the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the queue journal.

Opnum: 29

JournalQuota, put JournalQuota

Sets the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the queue journal.

Opnum: 30

IsWorldReadable, get IsWorldReadable

Returns a value that indicates whether everyone can read messages in the queue; or whether only the owner and administrators of the queue can read messages in it.

Opnum: 31


Creates a new queue using the path name.

Opnum: 32


Deletes the queue using the format name or the path name.

Opnum: 33


Opens the queue identified by the format name.<34>

Opnum: 34


Refreshes the properties of the object by using the values stored in the directory service (for public queues) or provided by the local queue manager (for private queues).

Opnum: 35


Updates the properties that are stored in the directory service (for public queues) or the local queue manager (for private queues) by using values from this object.

Opnum: 36

PathNameDNS, get PathNameDNS

Returns the DNS path name of the queue.<35>

Opnum: 37

Properties, get Properties

The method is not implemented.<36>

Opnum: 38

Security, get Security

The method is not implemented.<37>

Opnum: 39

Security, put Security

The method is not implemented.<38>

Opnum: 40

IsTransactional2, get IsTransactional2

Returns a value that indicates whether the queue is a transactional queue.<39>

Opnum: 41

IsWorldReadable2, get IsWorldReadable2

Returns a value that indicates whether everyone can read messages in the queue or only the owner and administrators of the queue can read messages in it.<40>

Opnum: 42

MulticastAddress, get MulticastAddress

Returns the multicast addresses that are associated with the queue.<41>

Opnum: 43

MulticastAddress, put MulticastAddress

Sets the multicast addresses that are associated with the queue.<42>

Opnum: 44

ADsPath, get ADsPath

Returns the directory path to a public queue.<43>

Opnum: 45