IVolumeClient3::ImportDiskGroup (Opnum 44)

The ImportDiskGroup method imports a foreign dynamic disk group as the primary disk group of the server.

 HRESULT ImportDiskGroup(
   [in] int cchDgid,
   [in, size_is(cchDgid)] byte* dgid,
   [out] TASK_INFO* tinfo

cchDgid: Size of dgid in characters, including the terminating null character.

dgid: Null-terminated ASCII string that contains the UUID of the disk group to import.

tinfo: Pointer to a TASK_INFO structure that the client can use to track the request's progress.

Return Values: The method MUST return 0 or a nonerror HRESULT on success, or an implementation-specific nonzero error code on failure (as specified in [MS-ERREF]; see also section 2.2.1 for HRESULT values predefined by the Disk Management Remote Protocol).

When the server receives an IVolumeClient3::ImportDiskGroup message, it MUST process that message, as specified in IVolumeClient::ImportDiskGroup (section