The DRMSYNCLIST message is a synchronization list. This list is a quick reference of every license that needs to be replaced or updated.

An entry is added to the synchronization list for every Type 2 and Type 3 licenses on the system. The synchronization list transmitted up to a host provides an immediate reference to those licenses that need freshening, and licenses that require a replacement by another license.

State Data: State data is different depending on the type of license.

Type 2 (expiring) licenses: State data is not maintained because the license has a built-in expiration date.

Type 3 (state-dependent) licenses: State data is maintained. State determines expiration date, play counts remaining, or both. State must be retrieved to determine whether the license needs to be updated/refreshed.

 <xs:complexType name="DRMSYNCLIST">
   <attribute name="type" type="xs:string">
   <xs:element name="RECORDS">
     <xs: element name="KID" type="xs:string">

type: Indicates the message type. MUST be set to "challenge".

RECORDS.KID: Contains a base64 encoded KID.