4.2 Network Logon


Figure 3: Network Logon

When an application wants to use Kerberos-based authentication, it uses either the higher-level SSPI API to invoke Kerberos directly; or it uses SPNEGO [MS-SPNG], which in turn invokes Kerberos.

This might cause steps 1 to 4 (section 4.1) to be repeated if there are new credentials supplied. It might also cause steps 3 and 4 (section 4.1) to be repeated if the server has not previously cached a ticket for the client.

Step 5: When the service ticket to the application server is obtained, the client authenticates itself to the server by sending an AP-REQ wrapped in Generic Security Services (GSS) formatting (section 3.4 and [RFC1964]).

Step 6: The Kerberos runtime on the server validates the ticket by decrypting it, and it validates the authenticator by decrypting and checking for replay and other attacks ([RFC4120] section 3.2).

Invoking the Kerberos runtime to authenticate a session is typically done through the SSPI API. Higher-level constructs, for example, remote file access, can also trigger the connection. After the server-side Kerberos runtime validates the ticket and authenticator, it makes the authorization data from the ticket available to the service, typically through an access token, which is used with authorization functions.