Global Initialization

The processing rules described in this section are executed when the queue manager starts.

The ResendTimerTable ADM element MUST be populated sequentially with the following values:

  • The first three entries are set to the ResendTimeoutsShort ADM element.

  • The next three entries are set to the ResendTimeoutsMedium ADM element.

  • The next three entries are set to the ResendTimeoutsLong ADM element.

  • The last entry is set to the ResendTimeoutsFinal ADM element.

The MessageIDHistory Cleanup Timer (section MUST be stopped.

If the MessageIDHistoryTable ADM element is not empty, the MessageIDHistory Cleanup Timer MUST be started.

The UserCertCache ADM element MUST be initialized to be empty. The UserCertCacheSize ADM element SHOULD be set to 53.

The UserCertLifetime ADM element SHOULD be set to 1,200,000 milliseconds (20 minutes).

The ReceiveSymmetricKeyCache ADM element MUST be initialized to be empty. The ReceiveBaseSymmetricKeyCache ADM element MUST be initialized to be empty. The ReceiveSymmetricKeyCacheSize ADM element SHOULD be set to 127.

The SendSymmetricKeyCache ADM element MUST be initialized to be empty. The SendBaseSymmetricKeyCache ADM element MUST be initialized to be empty. The SendSymmetricKeyCacheSize ADM element SHOULD be set to 53.

The SymmetricKeyShortLifetime ADM element SHOULD be set to 600,000 milliseconds (10 minutes). The SymmetricKeyLongLifetime ADM element SHOULD be set to 43,200,000 milliseconds (12 hours).

The PreferredAdvancedAlgorithm ADM element SHOULD be set to 0x00006610, indicating the AES 256 algorithm as specified in [FIPS197]. The PreferredEnhancedAlgorithm ADM element SHOULD be set to 0x00006801, indicating the RC4 algorithm as specified in [RFC4757]. The PreferredBaseAlgorithm ADM element SHOULD be set to 0x00006801, indicating the RC4 algorithm.

The SendEnhancedRC2Using40BitKeys ADM element SHOULD be set to FALSE.<48>

The RejectEnhancedRC2Using40BitKeys ADM element SHOULD<49> be set to FALSE.