BulkDetectDuplicates Action
Submits an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action.
Name | Type | Nullable | Unicode | Description |
QueryBase | True | True | The query criteria for detecting multiple duplicate records |
Edm.String | False | False | The name of the asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. |
Edm.Boolean | False | True | Indicates whether an email notification is sent after the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records finishes running. |
Edm.Guid | False | True | The ID of the template (email template) that is used for the email notification. |
Collection(activityparty) | False | True | An array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the 'To' box (recipients) of the email notification. |
Collection(activityparty) | False | True | An array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification. |
Edm.String | False | False | The recurrence pattern for the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records. |
Edm.DateTimeOffset | False | True | The start date and time of an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. |
Type | Nullable | Description |
BulkDetectDuplicatesResponse | False | Contains the response of the BulkDetectDuplicates action. |