Web API Action Reference
Actions represent operations which may have observable side effects, such as creating or updating records. An Action may require parameters and may return a value. Actions may be bound to entity types.
Name | Description |
AddAppComponents | Adds app components to a business app. |
AddCertificateCredential | |
AddComponentsToSolutionAsync | |
AddComponentToSolutionAsync | |
AddMembersTeam | Adds members to a team. |
AddPrincipalToQueue | Adds the specified principal to the list of queue members. |
AddPrivilegesRole | Adds a set of existing privileges to an existing role. |
AddRecurrence | Adds recurrence information to an existing appointment. |
AddRequiredDesktopFlowComponentsToSolutions | Adds the required components for the Desktop Flow to all solutions the Desktop Flow is in. |
AddRequiredUIElementCollectionComponentsToSolutions | Add the required components for the UI Element Collection to all solutions the UI Element Collection is in. |
AddSolutionComponent | Adds a solution component to an unmanaged solution. |
AddToFeedbackLoop | API to add a feedback loop item to a model. |
AddToQueue | Moves an entity record from a source queue to a destination queue. |
AddUserToRecordTeam | Adds a user to the auto created access team for the specified record. |
AddWorkQueueItemProcessingHistoryEntry | Add a processing history entry. |
AIClassify | Classifies/Categorizes the text into one of the provided categories using AI builder GPT action. |
AIExtract | Extracts user-defined data points from provided text using AI builder GPT action. |
AIModelPublish | Create or update a custom model. |
AIReply | Drafts a response to the given text using AI builder GPT action |
AISentiment | Detect the sentiment of the given text using AI builder GPT action (positive, negative, or neutral) |
AISummarize | Summarizes the given text using AI builder GPT action. |
AISummarizeRecord | Summarizes the given entity record using AI builder GPT action. |
AITranslate | Translate text to English using AI. |
AlmHandler | Synchronizes models in the AI Builder backend. |
Analyze | Initiates process mining for the process to generate analytics on the associated data. |
AnalyzeSentiment | Analyzes sentiments. |
ApplyRecordCreationAndUpdateRule | Applies record creation and update rules to activities in Dataverse created as a result of the integration with external applications. |
AutoMapEntity | Generates a new set of attribute mappings based on the metadata. |
BackgroundSendEmail | Send email messages asynchronously. |
BatchGetFlowMachineStatus | Returns the current connection status for the stated machines. |
BatchPrediction | Runs batch prediction on an AI Model. |
Book | Schedules or 'books' an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity). |
BulkDelete | Submits a bulk delete job that deletes selected records in bulk. This job runs asynchronously in the background without blocking other activities. |
BulkDetectDuplicates | Submits an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. |
BulkRemoveActiveCustomizationsAsync | |
BulkRetain | Marks records for retention based on the criteria. |
CalculatePrice | Calculates price in an opportunity, quote, order, and invoice. |
CanBeReferenced | Checks whether the specified entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship. |
CanBeReferencing | Checkes whether an entity can be the referencing entity in a one-to-many relationship. |
CancelAllCloudFlowRuns | Cancel all active runs for a Cloud Flow. |
CancelDesktopFlowRun | Cancel an ongoing desktop flow run. |
CancelTraining | Cancels the training of an AI model. |
CanManyToMany | Checks whether an entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship. |
CardCreateClone | Clones a card. |
CardGetFullJson | Retrieves the JSON for a card. |
cascadeAsync_SuccessAPI | Register a plug-in step on this message to be notified when an asynchronous cascade operation succeeds. |
CategorizeText | Categorizes text. |
ClearWorkQueue | Remove all items in the work queue. |
CloneAsPatch | Creates a solution patch from a managed or unmanaged solution. |
CloneAsSolution | Creates a new copy of an unmanged solution that contains the original solution plus all of its patches. |
CloneMobileOfflineProfile | For internal use only. |
CommitAnnotationBlocksUpload | Commits the uploaded data blocks to the annotation store. |
CommitAttachmentBlocksUpload | Commits the uploaded data blocks to the attachment store. |
CommitFileBlocksUpload | Commits the uploaded data blocks to the file store. |
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRule | Updates a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions. |
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeam | Converts a team of type owner to a team of type access. |
CopySystemForm | Creates a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form. |
CreateAsyncJobToRevokeInheritedAccess | Creates an async job to correct inherited access. |
CreateCustomerRelationships | Creates a new customer lookup attribute, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution. |
CreateException | Creates an exception for the recurring appointment instance. |
CreateFlowCredentialApplication | Triggers the creation of a Flow Credential Application. |
CreateFlowMachineNetwork | Triggers the creation of Flow Machine Network to be used for hosted bots. |
CreateHostedFlowMachineGroup | Creates a hosted machine group. |
CreateInstance | Creates future unexpanded instances for the recurring appointment master. |
CreateKnowledgeArticleTranslation | Creates translation of a knowledge article instance. |
CreateKnowledgeArticleVersion | Creates a major or minor version of a knowledge article instance. |
CreateMultiple | Creates multiple records of the same type in a single request. |
CreateNPSUserRating | Creates an NPS user rating. |
CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute | Create a multi-table lookup column. |
CreateRoleWithPrivilegeCheckerRun | |
CreateRpaBox | Creates an RPA box. |
CreateVirtualConnectorTable | |
CreateWorkflowFromTemplate | Creates a workflow (process) from a workflow template. |
DeactivateEntityKey | Deactivates an alternate key for a table. |
DeleteAndPromote | Replaces managed solution (A) plus all of its patches with managed solution (B) that is the clone of (A) and all of its patches. |
DeleteAndPromoteAsync | Asynchronously replaces managed solution (A) plus all of its patches with managed solution (B) that is the clone of (A) and all of its patches. |
DeleteAuditData | Deletes all audit data records up until a specified end date. |
DeleteFile | Deletes a stored binary file, attachment, or annotation. |
DeleteFlowMachineGroup | Deletes the bound flow machine group. |
DeleteMultiple | Creates multiple records of the same type in a single request. |
DeleteOpenInstances | Deletes instances of a recurring appointment master that have an 'Open' state. |
DeleteOptionValue | Deletes an option value in a global or local option set. |
DeleteRecordChangeHistory | Deletes all audit change history records for a particular record. |
DeliverImmediatePromoteEmail | Delivers an email from an email client. |
DeliverIncomingEmail | Creates an email activity record from an incoming email message. |
DeliverPromoteEmail | Creates an email activity record from the specified email message |
DeprovisionLanguage | Deprovisions a language. |
Dequeue | Retrieve the next work queue item to be processed. |
DetectLanguage | Detects the language. |
DiscoverFabricAISkills | Discover Fabric AISkill. |
DiscoverFabricWorkspaces | Discover Fabric Workspaces. |
DownloadBlock | Downloads a data block. |
DownloadSolutionExportData | Download the exported solution data. |
ExecuteWorkflow | Executes a workflow. |
ExportMappingsImportMap | Exports a data map as an XML formatted data. |
ExportRetainedData | Exports retained data to Excel |
ExportSolution | Exports a solution. |
ExportSolutionAsync | Exports a solution using an asynchronous job. |
ExportTranslation | Exports all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file. |
ExtractKeyPhrases | Extracts key phrases from text. |
ExtractTextEntities | Extracts entities from inputted text. |
FormPredict | Predict the next field in a record given context. |
FullTextSearchKnowledgeArticle | Performs a full-text search on knowledge articles in Dynamics 365 using the specified search text. |
GenerateSharedLink | Generates a shareable link that grants access to the specified record for office collaboration. |
GenerateSocialProfile | Returns an existing social profile record if one exists, otherwise generates a new one and returns it. |
GetAuditStorageDetails | Retrieves Audit log storage details which provides an overview of which Dataverse tables consume how much log space. |
GetAutoNumberSeed | Returns the value set as the seed value for a specified table and column. |
GetCertificateCredential | |
GetEntityLinkChatConfig | For internal use only. |
GetJobStatus | Get the status of a job. The message status returned contains the correlation id and the organization id. |
GetLinkedChats | For internal use only. |
GetNextAutoNumberValue | Returns the value that will be assigned to the next record for a specified table and column based on the last autonumber used. |
GetOrCreateSharedWorkspace | Get existing sharedworkspace with matching name or create it if it does not exist. |
GetPublicKey | Returns the public key of a FlowMachineGroup of FlowGroupType Default. |
GetTrackingTokenEmail | Returns a tracking token that can then be passed as a parameter to the SendEmailRequest message. |
GrantAccess | Grants a security principal (user, team, or organization) access to the specified record. |
GrantDelegatedAccess | Grant delegated access to the table based on the provided delegated authorization. |
ImmediateBook | Books an appointment obeying the scheduling engine selected and resource availability. If the resources involved are available at the specified time, this operation creates new appointment record and returns a successful validation result. Otherwise, it returns a failed validation result. |
ImportCardTypeSchema | Imports and create a new cardtype required by the installed solution. |
ImportFieldTranslation | Imports translations from a compressed file. |
ImportMappingsImportMap | Imports the XML representation of a data map and create an import map (data map) based on this data. |
ImportRecordsImport | Submits an asynchronous job that uploads the transformed data into Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
ImportSolution | Imports a solution. |
ImportSolutionAsync | Imports a solution using an asynchronous job. |
ImportTranslation | Imports translations from a compressed file. |
ImportTranslationAsync | Imports translations from a compressed file asynchronously. |
Ingest | Initializes ingestion for a recording to prep it to be ready for labelling and process mining. |
InitializeAnnotationBlocksDownload | Initialize the download of one or more annotation data blocks. |
InitializeAnnotationBlocksUpload | Initializes annotation storage for receiving (uploading) one or more annotation data blocks. |
InitializeAttachmentBlocksDownload | Initializes the download of one or more attachment data blocks. |
InitializeAttachmentBlocksUpload | Initializes attachment storage for receiving (uploading) one or more attachment data blocks. |
InitializeFileBlocksDownload | Initializes the download of one or more binary data blocks. |
InitializeFileBlocksUpload | Initializes file storage for receiving (uploading) one or more binary data blocks. |
InitializeModernFlowFromAsyncWorkflow | For internal use only. |
InsertOptionValue | Inserts a new option value for a global or local option set. |
InsertStatusValue | Inserts a new option into a StatusAttributeMetadata attribute. |
install | Creates an endpoint for an individual user to invoke a flow with the necessary connections that are specific to the invoker. |
InstallSampleData | Installs the sample data. |
InstantiateFilters | Instantiates a set of filters for Dynamics 365 for Outlook for the specified user. |
InstantiateTemplate | Creates an email message from a template (email template). |
IsPaiEnabled | Checks whether AI Builder is enabled on a given environment. |
IsPmEnabled | Determines if the process mining feature is enabled. |
JoinLinkedChat | For internal use only. |
LeaveGroup | Leaves the curent flowmachinegroup and created a default flowmachinegroup for the bound flowmachine. |
ListChildDesktopFlows | List the ids and etag of all the child flow dependencies of a given desktop flow script. |
ListConnectionReferences | List connections and connection references for a given desktop flow script |
Merge | Merges the information from two entity records of the same type. |
ModifyAccess | Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user, team, or organization). |
msdyn_DeleteCalendar | Deletes the inner calendar rules of a calendar on a selected entity as specified by the data in the CalendarEventInfo parameter. |
msdyn_FixSLARelationshipsOnTargetEntities | Fixes the cascade delete property of sla to target entity relationship by doing update SDK call. |
msdyn_GetKAObjectFromTemplate | Create a knowledge article from an existing knowledge article template. |
msdyn_LoadCalendars | Returns calendars for given LoadCalendarsInput. |
msdyn_ManageSLAInstances | Manages create and update of SLA instances on create/update of target entity record. |
msdyn_MigrateSlaProactiveRun | Runs a SLA migration Proactive Run for validation |
msdyn_SaveCalendar | Creates or updates calendar records on a selected entity, based on the inputs passed as the request |
msdyn_SendEmailFromTemplate | Sends an email from a template after action gets triggered. |
msdyn_SLACustomTimeCalculationTemplate | Register a plug-in step for this message to customize the calculation of the warning time and the failure time of SLA KPIs by enabling own custom time calculation. |
msdyn_SLATimeCalculation | Register a plug-in step to calculate the warning time and failure time for SLA kpi instance based on the input parameters. |
msdyn_TriggerIntegratedSearchAnalytics | Custom API to trigger ingestion service. |
NotifyEnvironmentVariableSecretChange | Notifies dependent components in Dataverse about change made to KeyVault secret that is referenced in an environment variable of type secret. This API is limited to being called within a Power Automate Flow with trigger on Azure Event Grid that listens for KeyVault newSecretVersionCreated event and cannot be called directly in your code. |
OnBackgroundOperationComplete | A business event you can subscribe to in order to be notified when a background operation completes. You should not use this action directly. |
OnExternalCreated | Notifies Dataverse about a record that was created in an external system exposed as a virtual table in Dataverse. |
OnExternalDeleted | Notifies Dataverse about a record that was deleted in an external system exposed as a virtual table in Dataverse. |
OnExternalUpdated | Notifies Dataverse about a record that was updated in an external system exposed as a virtual table in Dataverse. |
OrderOption | Sets the order for an option set. |
ParseImport | Submits an asynchronous job that parses all import files that are associated with the specified import (data import). |
PickFromQueue | Assigns a queue item to a user and optionally remove the queue item from the queue. |
Predict | Uses AI to make a prediction. |
PredictByReference | Run real time prediction with reference to record to predict on. |
PredictionSchema | Gets the prediction schema. |
ProvisionDelegation | Provisions delegated authorization and team records for delegation (retrieves if they exists) and returns the team for use with delegated authorization. |
ProvisionLanguage | Provisions a new language. |
ProvisionLanguageAsync | Provisions a new language using a background job. |
PublishAIConfiguration | Publishes an AI configuration |
PublishAllXml | Publishes all changes to solution components. |
PublishAllXmlAsync | Publishes all changes to solution components asynchronously. |
PublishDuplicateRule | Submits an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule. |
PublishTheme | Publishes a theme and set it as the current theme. |
PublishXml | Publishes specified solution components. |
PurgeRetainedContent | Removes records that were successfully moved to the data lake. |
PvaAuthorize | For internal use only. |
PvaComponentCollectionAuthorize | |
PvaCreateBotComponents | For internal use only. |
PvaCreateContentSnapshot | For internal use only. |
PvaDeleteBot | For internal use only. |
PvaDeleteBotComponentCollection | |
PvaGetDirectLineEndpoint | For internal use only. |
PvaGetFeatureControlSet | For internal use only. |
PvaGetMaxDatabaseVersion | For internal use only. |
PvaGetUserBots | For internal use only. |
PvaProvision | For internal use only. |
PvaPublish | For internal use only. |
PvaPublishStatus | For internal use only. |
PvaShareConnection | For internal use only. |
PvaStartConversation | For internal use only. |
QueryDvUnstructuredData | Retrieves search results from a file given input text. |
QueryExpressionToFetchXml | Converts a QueryExpression query to its equivalent FetchXML query |
QueryFabricAISkill | Query Fabric AISkill. |
QuerySalesforceUnstructuredData | Query Salesforce Unstructured Data |
QueryZendeskUnstructuredArticles | Retrieves zendesk article results for a given input text. |
QuestionAnalytics | Question Analytics |
QueueUpdateRibbonClientMetadata | Queues UpdateRibbonClientMetadata to a background job. |
QuickTest | Uses AI to make a prediction. |
ReactivateEntityKey | Submit a new asynchronous system job to create the index for the key. |
ReassignObjectsOwner | Reassigns all records that are owned by the security principal (user, team, or organization) to another security principal (user, team, or organization). |
ReassignObjectsSystemUser | Reassigns all records that are owned by a specified user to another security principal (user, team, or organization). |
Recalculate | Recalculate system-computed values for rollup fields in the goal hierarchy. |
RecognizeText | Extracts text from a document. |
RefreshRpaLicensingCapacity | Refreshes Power Automate Desktop licensing capacity information for the current environment. |
RegisterFlowMachine | Registers a flowmachine to use with Desktop Flows direct connectivity. |
ReleaseToQueue | Assigns a queue item back to the queue owner so others can pick it. |
RemoveActiveCustomization | |
RemoveAppComponents | Removes a component from an app. |
RemoveCertificateCredential | |
RemoveFromQueue | Removes a queue item from a queue. |
RemoveMembersTeam | Removes members from a team. |
RemoveParent | Removes the parent for a system user (user) record. |
RemovePrivilegeRole | Removes a privilege from an existing role. |
RemoveSolutionComponent | Removes a component from an unmanaged solution. |
RemoveUserFromRecordTeam | Removes a user from the auto created access team for the specified record. |
ReplacePrivilegesRole | Replaces the privilege set of an existing role. |
Reschedule | Reschedules an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity). |
ResetUserFilters | Resets the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization. |
RestartHostedMachine | Restarts Power Automate desktop hosted machine. |
Restore | (Preview) Restores a deleted record. |
Retain | Retain a single record. |
RetrieveAppsWithDelegatedAccessPermissions | Returns list of all apps which can acquire token for user impersontaion scope to access Dataverse. |
RetrieveEnvironmentVariableSecretValue | Retrieves an environment variable secret value. This API is limited to being called within a Power Automate Flow and cannot be called directly in your code. |
RevokeAccess | Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user, team, or organization). |
RevokeSharedLink | Revokes an existing SharedLink. All users who clicked on the link will lose access. |
RollbackRetain | Rolls back a retain operation. |
RotateGroupKey | Triggers a rotation for the given flowmachine group key. |
RouteTo | Routes a queue item to a queue, a user, or a team. |
RunDesktopFlow | Trigger a new run of a desktop flow. |
SaveAsDesktopFlow | Creates a copy of an existing Desktop Flow. |
SaveAsDesktopFlowModule | Copy a Power Automate Desktop Flow Module and save it with a new name. |
SaveSettingValue | Creates or updates app/organization level override. |
SchedulePrediction | Schedules a prediction for an AI model. |
ScheduleRetrain | Schedules retraining for an AI model. |
ScheduleTraining | Schedules training for an AI model. |
searchautocomplete | Provides autocompletion of input as the user enters text into a form field. |
searchquery | Provides a search results page. |
searchsuggest | Provides suggestions as the user enters text into a form field. |
SendAppNotification | Sends an app notification to the recipient. |
SendBulkMail | Sends bulk email messages. |
SendEmail | Sends an e-mail message. |
SendEmailFromTemplate | Sends an e-mail message to a recipient using an e-mail template. |
SendFax | Sends a fax. |
SendTemplate | Sends a bulk email message that is created from a template. |
SetAutoNumberSeed | Sets the initial seed value that will be used for an autonumber column. |
SetBusinessSystemUser | Moves a system user (user) to a different business unit. |
SetDataEncryptionKey | Sets or restore the data encryption key. |
SetFeatureStatus | For internal use only. |
SetLocLabels | Sets localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes. |
SetParentSystemUser | Sets a new parent system user (user) for the specified user. |
SetParentTeam | Sets the parent business unit of a team. |
SetPreferredSolution | |
SetProcess | Sets the process that associates with a given target entity. The user can set to another business process or specify null to clear out the current process. |
SetReportRelated | Links an instance of a report entity to related entities. |
Share | Shares the process with targets. |
StageAndUpgrade | Imports a solution, stages it for upgrade, and applies the upgrade as the default (when applicable). |
StageAndUpgradeAsync | Asynchronously imports a solution, stages it for upgrade, and applies the upgrade as the default (when applicable). |
StageSolution | Stage the solution for upgrade. |
SummarizeRecord | Summarizes the given entity record using AI builder GPT action. |
SyncBulkOperation | Performs bulk operations to cancel, resume, or pause workflows. |
SyncGroupMembersToTeam | |
Train | Trains a new model. |
TransformImport | Submits an asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data. |
TriggerDesktopFlowRunCallback | Trigger a callback request of a desktop flow run. |
TriggerServiceEndpointCheck | Validates the configuration of a Microsoft Azure Service Bus solution's service endpoint. |
UninstallSampleData | Uninstalls the sample data. |
UninstallSolution | For internal use only. |
UninstallSolutionAsync | Uninstalls a solution using an asynchronous job. |
UnpublishAIConfiguration | Unpublishes an AI configuration. |
UnpublishDuplicateRule | Submits an asynchronous job to unpublish a duplicate rule. |
UnschedulePrediction | Unschedules batch prediction on an AI model. |
UnscheduleTraining | Unschedules training for an AI Model. |
UpdateAccountCredentials | Update Hosted RPA Bot Username and Password. |
UpdateFeatureConfig | For internal use only. |
UpdateFlowMachineNetwork | Triggers the update of Flow Machine Network. |
UpdateMultiple | Updates multiple records of the same type in a single request. |
UpdateOptionValue | Updates an option value in a global or local option set. |
UpdateSolutionComponent | Updates a component in an unmanaged solution. |
UpdateStateValue | Updates an option set value in for a StateAttributeMetadata attribute. |
UploadBlock | Uploads a block of data to storage. |
UpsertCompositeDataSource | API responsible for creating or updating a composite environment variable. |
UpsertEnvironmentVariable | API responsible for creating or updating an environment variable. |
UpsertMultiple | Upsert (Create or Update) multiple records of same type in a single request. |
Validate | Verifies that an appointment or service appointment (service activity) has valid available resources for the activity, duration, and site, as appropriate. |
ValidateAIConfiguration | Validates an AI configuration. |
ValidateRetentionConfig | Validates the retention configuration during the policy setup. Checks the structure of the FetchXML and executes any custom validations provided for the table. |
ValidateSavedQuery | Validates a saved query. |
ValidateUnpublished | Validates that a mobile offline profile, including unpublished changes, can be published. |