msdyn_SLATimeCalculation Action
Register a plug-in step to calculate the warning time and failure time for SLA kpi instance based on the input parameters.
Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action.
Name | Type | Nullable | Unicode | Description |
Edm.String | False | False | The Calendar ID associated with the SLA item. |
Edm.DateTimeOffset | False | True | The Start time of the SLA timer control. |
Edm.String | False | False | The logical name of the entity for which SLA KPI instances are created. |
Edm.Int32 | True | True | The Warning or failure time in minutes. Required when input type is getEndTime. |
Edm.Int32 | True | True | The Logs level: 1 for warning, 2 for verbose. Optional. |
Edm.DateTimeOffset | True | True | The end time till when elaspedTime need to be calculated, by default it will be DateTime.UTCNow. |
Type | Nullable | Description |
msdyn_SLATimeCalculationResponse | False | Contains the response of the msdyn_SLATimeCalculation action. |