RollbackRetain Action
Rolls back a retain operation.
Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action.
Name | Type | Nullable | Unicode | Description |
crmbaseentity | False | True | A reference to the record to roll back the retain operation. |
Edm.Guid | True | True | Not currently used. |
Type | Nullable | Description |
RollbackRetainResponse | False | Contains the response of the RollbackRetain action. |
Use the RollbackRetain action with these entity types:
Name | Display name | Description |
account | Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
adx_externalidentity | External Identity | |
adx_invitation | Invitation | Send invitations to existing contacts or email addresses and assign them to web roles upon redemption. |
adx_inviteredemption | Invite Redemption | Holds information about the redemption of an invite. |
adx_portalcomment | Portal Comment | An activity which is used to share information between the user and the customer on the portal. |
adx_setting | Setting | |
adx_webformsession | Multistep Form Session | Serves as a mechanism to log the occurrence of an incomplete multistep form entry for a given user so they can return and complete it later. |
appaction | App Action | Contains Modern Command Information |
appactionmigration | App Action Migration | |
appactionrule | App Action Rule | |
appnotification | Notification | Notification to be provided to a user. |
attributemaskingrule | Secured Masking Column | Defines secured masking rule for column |
card | Card | Card |
cardstateitem | Card State Item | |
certificatecredential | CertificateCredential | Contains data to represent an Azure Active Directory Application used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
copilotexamplequestion | CopilotExampleQuestion | CopilotExampleQuestions Component |
copilotglossaryterm | CopilotGlossaryTerm | CopilotGlossaryTerm Component |
copilotsynonyms | CopilotSynonyms | CopilotSynonyms Component |
mainfewshot | MainFewShot | This fewshot entity will only be updated during solution installation. |
makerfewshot | MakerFewShot | This fewshot is updated by maker for testing the queries and by the NL2SQ with the results |
maskingrule | Secured Masking Rule | Secured Masking Rules to apply to fields. |
msdyn_analysiscomponent | Analysis Component | |
msdyn_analysisjob | Analysis Job | |
msdyn_analysisoverride | Analysis Override | |
msdyn_analysisresult | Analysis Result | |
msdyn_analysisresultdetail | Analysis Result Detail | |
msdyn_apirequestcache | API Request Cache | |
msdyn_apirequestfolder | API Request Folder | |
msdyn_connectordatasource | Virtual Connector Data Source | |
msdyn_copilotinteractions | Copilot Interactions | Data table of previous copilot interactions. |
msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | Custom Control Extended Setting | |
msdyn_datalakeds | Insights Store Data Source | |
msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | Entity link chat configuration | |
msdyn_fileupload | File Upload | |
msdyn_function | Function | |
msdyn_insightsstorevirtualentity | Insights Store Virtual Entity | Insights Store Virtual Entity |
msdyn_mobileapp | Mobile App | Mobile App |
msdyn_pmanalysishistory | PM Analysis History | |
msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | PM Business Rule Automation Config | |
msdyn_pmcalendar | PM Calendar | |
msdyn_pmcalendarversion | PM Calendar Version | |
msdyn_pminferredtask | PM Inferred Task | |
msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | PM Process Extended Metadata Version | |
msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | PM Process Template | |
msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | PM Process User Settings | |
msdyn_pmprocessversion | PM Process Version | |
msdyn_pmrecording | PM Recording | |
msdyn_pmsimulation | PM Simulation | |
msdyn_pmtemplate | PM Template | |
msdyn_pmview | PM View | |
msdyn_richtextfile | Rich Text Attachment | Image or file attached to a rich text field |
msdyn_solutionhealthrule | Solution Health Rule | |
msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | Solution Health Rule Argument | |
msdyn_solutionhealthruleset | Solution Health Rule Set | Represents a set that owns a number of solution health rules. |
msdyn_timelinepin | Timeline Pin | Timeline Pin Record |
msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | Virtual Table Column Candidate | |
msfp_alert | Customer Voice alert | |
msfp_alertrule | Customer Voice alert rule | |
msfp_emailtemplate | Customer Voice survey email template | Template for an email message that contains the survey invitation link. |
msfp_fileresponse | Customer Voice file response | Response to a file upload question. |
msfp_localizedemailtemplate | Customer Voice localized survey email template | Stores localized data for email templates. |
msfp_project | Customer Voice project | Set of surveys to collect feedback. |
msfp_question | Customer Voice survey question | Question in a survey to collect feedback. |
msfp_questionresponse | Customer Voice survey question response | Response to a question in a survey. |
msfp_satisfactionmetric | Customer Voice satisfaction metric | Satisfaction metric defined for a project. |
msfp_survey | Customer Voice survey | Set of questions to collect feedback. |
msfp_surveyinvite | Customer Voice survey invite | Activity that tracks a survey invitation sent to a person. |
msfp_surveyreminder | Customer Voice survey reminder | Email reminders for surveys created in Customer Voice. |
msfp_surveyresponse | Customer Voice survey response | Response to a survey. |
msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | Customer Voice unsubscribed recipient | Email address of an unsubscribed respondent. |
mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | Catalog Submission Files | Files associated with the package that will be used as part of the submission to the catalog system. |
mspcat_packagestore | Package Submission Store | Manages submissions to the Catalog and provisioning |
mspp_adplacement | Ad Placement | |
mspp_columnpermission | Column Permission | |
mspp_columnpermissionprofile | Column Permission Profile | |
mspp_contentsnippet | Content Snippet | Content snippets are inserted in page templates so that any label, text string or image in the template can be content-managed. |
mspp_entityform | Basic Form | Defines the form to render for a given entity type. |
mspp_entityformmetadata | Basic Form Metadata | Defines the additional behavior modification logic to augment or override the functionality of form components that is not possible with Dynamics 365 entity and form metadata. |
mspp_entitylist | List | |
mspp_entitypermission | Table Permission | |
mspp_pagetemplate | Page Template | URL of the .aspx page used to create new webpages. |
mspp_pollplacement | Poll Placement | |
mspp_powerpagescoreentityds | Power Pages Core Entity DS | |
mspp_publishingstate | Publishing State | |
mspp_publishingstatetransitionrule | Publishing State Transition Rule | |
mspp_redirect | Redirect | |
mspp_shortcut | Shortcut | |
mspp_sitemarker | Site Marker | Used by web page templates to locate a specific page of content. |
mspp_sitesetting | Site Setting | Site specific settings or variables refferenced by the web site code files. |
mspp_webfile | Web File | Storage of files used in the web Portals. |
mspp_webform | Multistep Form | Defines the necessary properties and relationships to the other key entities in order to control the initialization of the form within a web portal. |
mspp_webformmetadata | Multistep Form Metadata | Defines the additional behavior modification logic to augment or override the functionality of form fields that is not possible with Dynamics 365 entity and form metadata. |
mspp_webformstep | Form Step | Defines the flow logic of the form's user experience such as steps and conditional branching. |
mspp_weblink | Web Link | A textual or imaged based link to an interal or external URL. |
mspp_weblinkset | Web Link Set | A grouping of web links. |
mspp_webpage | Web Page | Web Page |
mspp_webpageaccesscontrolrule | Web Page Access Control Rule | |
mspp_webrole | Web Role | Sets the user's role for the Portal. |
mspp_website | Website | Web Portal |
mspp_websiteaccess | Website Access | |
mspp_websitelanguage | Website Language | Languages supported and publishing status for the portal |
mspp_webtemplate | Web Template | |
nlsqregistration | NL2SQ Registration Information | Org registration status, AllowedEntity list, and registration error message. |
powerbidataset | Power BI Dataset | |
powerbidatasetapdx | powerbidatasetapdx | PowerBI Dataset appendix entity - for unmanaged technical attributes |
powerbimashupparameter | Power BI Mashup Parameter | |
powerbireport | Power BI Report | |
powerbireportapdx | powerbireportapdx | PowerBI Report appendix entity for unmanaged technical attributes |
powerpagecomponent | Site Component | |
powerpagesite | Site | |
powerpagesitelanguage | Site Language | |
powerpagesitepublished | Power Pages Site Published | |
powerpageslog | Power Pages Log | |
powerpagesmanagedidentity | PowerPagesManagedIdentity | |
powerpagesscanreport | Power Pages Scan Report | Power Pages Scan Report |
powerpagessiteaifeedback | Power Pages Site AI Feedback | |
recentlyused | Recently Used | Most recently used data table. |
recyclebinconfig | Restore Deleted Records Configuration | Holds Restore Deleted Records configuration for entities |
retentionsuccessdetail | RetentionSuccessDetail | Retention Success details. |
roleeditorlayout | RoleEditorLayout | |
searchattributesettings | SearchAttributeSettings | |
searchcustomanalyzer | SearchCustomAnalyzer | |
searchrelationshipsettings | SearchRelationshipSettings | |
searchresultscache | SearchResultsCache | Cache search results internally |
searchtelemetry | Search Telemetry | Entity to log telemetry that used to improve search quality |
signal | signal | |
stagedsourcecontrolcomponent | Staged Source Control Component | Stores the source control components that needs to be processed |
trait | trait | |
userrating | User Rating | |
viewasexamplequestion | ViewAsExampleQuestion | This fewshot is converted by view |
Don't use this action. This message is to be executed only by Dataverse to trigger registered plug-ins and flows. More information: Long-term data retention (preview)