Excel actions

After setting an Excel instance, either with the Launch Excel or the Attach to running Excel action, you can further handle your Excel worksheets.

To read and extract data from an Excel document, use the Read from Excel worksheet action. You can retrieve the value of a single cell or a data table. The following example reads the cells A1 through E5:

Screenshot of the Read from Excel worksheet action.

When the flow runs, the action stores the data in a data table variable:

Screenshot of a data table displayed in the value viewer.

To write data to an Excel spreadsheet, use the Write to Excel worksheet action. This action can write any static data or variable to a specified cell or multiple cells in an Excel worksheet.

The following example writes the previously mentioned data table to cell A51:

Screenshot of the Write to Excel worksheet action.

Each cell in the data table populates the corresponding cell in the workbook. The result is that the A51 to E55 cell range is filled with the contents of the data table.

Screenshot of written Excel data.

Resize columns/rows in Excel worksheet

Resizes a selection of columns or rows in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Resize target N/A Column, Row Column Specify whether to resize columns or rows
Selection range N/A Single, Range, All available Single Specify whether to select a single column/row, a range of columns/rows or all the available columns/rows in the active worksheet
Column No Text value The column's index number or letter. Column numbering starts from index 1.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column. Column numbering starts from index 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column. Column numbering starts from index 1.
Row No Numeric value The row's index number. The numbering starts from 1.
Start row No Numeric value The index or the first row. The numbering starts from 1.
End row No Numeric value The index or the last row. The numbering starts from 1.
Resize type N/A Autofit, Custom size Autofit Specify whether to autofit selected columns/rows or set a custom size
Width No Numeric value The width of the selected columns
Height No Numeric value The height of the selected rows

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to resize columns/rows Indicates a problem while resizing columns/rows

Run Excel macro

Runs a specified macro on the document of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Macro No Text value The macro to run. The text should consist of the name of the macro, followed by any arguments (optional), all separated by semicolons.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to run macro Indicates a problem running the specified macro

Get active Excel worksheet

Retrieves an Excel document's active worksheet.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
SheetName Text value The name of the active worksheet
SheetIndex Numeric value The index of the active worksheet


Exception Description
Failed to retrieve active worksheet Indicates a problem retrieving the active worksheet

Get all Excel worksheets

Retrieves all worksheet names of an Excel document.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
SheetNames List of Text values The names of all worksheets


Exception Description
Failed to retrieve all worksheet names Indicates a problem retrieving the names of the Excel worksheet

Delete Excel worksheet

Deletes a specific worksheet from an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Delete worksheet with N/A Index, Name Name Whether to find the worksheet by name or index
Worksheet index No Numeric value The Index number of the worksheet to delete. The numbering starts from 1, meaning that the index of the first worksheet is 1, the second is 2, and so on.
Worksheet name No Text value The name of the worksheet to delete

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find worksheet Indicates that a worksheet with the specified name couldn't be found
Failed to delete worksheet Indicates a problem deleting the specified worksheet

Rename Excel worksheet

Renames a specific worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Rename worksheet with N/A Index, Name Name Specify whether to find the worksheet by name or index
Worksheet index No Numeric value The index of the worksheet to rename. The numbering starts from 1, meaning that the index of the first worksheet is 1, the second is 2, and so on.
Worksheet name No Text value The name of the worksheet to rename
Worksheet new name No Text value The new name of the worksheet

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find worksheet Indicates that a worksheet with the specified name couldn't be found
Failed to rename worksheet Indicates a problem renaming the specified worksheet

Copy Excel worksheet

Copies a worksheet from an Excel document and paste it to the Excel document of the same or different Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Copy worksheet with N/A Index, Name Name Specify whether to find the worksheet by name or index
Worksheet index No Numeric value The index of the worksheet to copy. The numbering starts from 1, meaning that the index of the first worksheet is 1, the second is 2, and so on.
Worksheet name No Text value The name of the worksheet to copy.
Target Excel instance Νο Excel instance The Excel instance of the target file. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Worksheet new name No Text value The new name of the worksheet
Paste worksheet as N/A First worksheet, Last worksheet First worksheet Specify whether the copied Excel worksheet will be added before or after the existing worksheets

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to copy worksheet Indicates a problem when copying a worksheet in Excel
Can't copy worksheet with this name Indicates a problem when trying to set the sheet name after copying

Activate cell in Excel worksheet

Activate a cell in the active worksheet of an Excel instance, by providing column, row, and offset.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Activate N/A Absolutely specified cell, Relatively specified cell Absolutely specified cell Select whether to specify the cell to activate absolutely, or relatively, by using an offset distance being the number of cells between the currently activated reference cell and the actual cell activate.
Column No Text value The numeric value or letter of the cell column.
Direction N/A Left, Right, Above, Below Left Select offset direction. Select where to look for the cell to activate based on the position of the currently active cell.
Offset from active cell No Numeric value The distance in cells between the currently active cell and the desired cell. The numbering starts from 0.
Row No Numeric value The numeric value of the cell row. The numbering starts from 1.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to activate cell Indicates a problem activating an Excel cell

Select cells in Excel worksheet

Selects a range of cells in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

You have three options when it comes to retrieving a range of cells through Excel with the Select cells in Excel worksheet action. To begin you need a valid Excel instance, which you can create by using the Launch Excel action and providing the respective inputs.

  • To select a range of cells by explicitly providing the coordinates of the range, select the option Range of cells in the Select property and then provide a range by inputting the number or letter of the cells defining its start and end in the following properties: Start column, Start row, End column, End row.

  • To select a range of cells, relative to the currently active cell, first select the option Range of cells relative to active cell in the Select property. Then define the direction in the X and Y axis based on the position of the currently active cell, as well as the offset from the active cell in the two axes by modifying the properties X-axis direction, X-axis offset, Y-axis direction and Y-axis offset.

  • To select a range of cells using the range's name, select the option Names cells in the property Select.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Select N/A Absolutely specified cell, Relatively specified cell Absolutely specified cell Specify whether to select an explicitly specified range of cells or a range of cells relative to the currently active cell.
X Axis Direction N/A Left, Right Left The X-axis offset direction. Where to look along the horizontal axis, based on currently activated cell's position.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column.
X Offset No Numeric value The X-axis offset.
Start row No Numeric value The first row number. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column.
Y Axis Direction N/A Above, Below Above The Y-axis offset direction. Where to look along the vertical axis, based on the position of the currently active cell.
End row No Numeric value The last row number. The numbering starts from 1.
Y Offset No Numeric value The Y-axis offset.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to select cells Indicates a problem selecting the specified cells

Get selected cell range from Excel worksheet

Retrieve the selected range of cells in a structure consisting of first column, first row, last column, and last row.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FirstColumnIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the range's first column
FirstRowIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the range's first row
LastColumnIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the range's last column
LastRowIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the range's last row


Exception Description
Failed to retrieve the selected range of cells Indicates a problem retrieving the selected range of cells

Copy cells from Excel worksheet

Copies a range of cells from the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Copy mode N/A Single Cell's Values, Values from a Range of Cells, Values from Selection Single Cell's Values Specify whether to copy a single cell, a range of cells or the current selection of cells
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column
Start row No Numeric value The index of the first row
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column
End row No Numeric value The index of the last row

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to copy cells Indicates a problem copying the cells from the Excel document

Paste cells to Excel worksheet

Pastes a range of cells to the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Paste mode N/A On specified cell, On currently active cell On specified cell Specify whether to paste on a specified cell or the currently active cell
Column No Text value The index or letter of the cell column
Row No Numeric value The row number

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to paste cells Indicates a problem pasting the specified cells

Delete from Excel worksheet

Deletes a cell or a range of cells from the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Retrieve N/A The value of a single cell, Values from a range of cells The value of a single cell Whether to delete a single cell or a table from a range of cells
Start column No Text value The cell column (single cell's value) or first column as a numeric value or a letter
Start row No Numeric value The cell row (single cell's value) or first row number
End column No Text value The last column as a numeric value or a letter
End row No Numeric value The last row number
Shift direction N/A Left, Up Left The shift direction

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to delete cells Indicates a problem deleting the specified cells

Insert row to Excel worksheet

Inserts a row above a selected row of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Row index No Numeric value The index of the row to add a new row above. The numbering starts from 1.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find row Indicates that a row with the specified index couldn't be found
Failed to insert row Indicates a problem inserting a row at the specified Excel instance

Delete row from Excel worksheet

Deletes a selected row from an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Delete row No Numeric value The Index number of the row to delete. The numbering starts from 1.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find row Indicates that a row with the specified index couldn't be found
Failed to delete row Indicates a problem deleting the specified row

Insert column to Excel worksheet

Inserts a column to the left of a selected column of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Column No Text value The column's index number or letter. A new column will appear on the left side of the column indicated.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find column Indicates that a column with the specified name couldn't be found
Failed to insert column Indicates a problem inserting a column at the specified Excel instance

Delete column from Excel worksheet

Deletes a selected column from an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Delete column No Text value The index number or letter of the column to delete.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find column Indicates that a column with the specified name couldn't be found
Failed to delete column Indicates a problem deleting the specified column

Find and replace cells in Excel worksheet

Finds text and replaces it with another in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Search mode N/A Find, Find and replace Find The mode to search with
All matches N/A Boolean value False Whether to find/replace text in all the matching cells found or in the first matching cell only
Text to find No Text value The text to find in the worksheet
Text to replace with No Text value The text used to replace the matching cells
Match case N/A Boolean value False Whether to search for case-sensitive data
Match entire cell contents N/A Boolean value False Whether to search for cells that contain just the specified text
Search by N/A Rows, Columns Rows The order in which to search for the text

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FoundColumnIndex Numeric value The index of the column found
FoundRowIndex Numeric value The index of the row found
Cells Datatable The list of cells matching the criteria


Exception Description
Failed to find and/or replace text Indicates a problem finding and/or replacing the specified text

Get first free row on column from Excel worksheet

Retrieve the first free row, given the column of the active worksheet.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Column No Text value The index or letter that identifies the column. Column numbering starts from index 1.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FirstFreeRowOnColumn Numeric value The numeric value of the given column's first fully empty row


Exception Description
Failed to retrieve first free row Indicates a problem retrieving the first free row of an Excel instance

Read formula from Excel

Reads the formula inside a cell in Excel.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Retrieve N/A The formula of a single cell, The formula of a named cell The formula of a single cell Specify whether to retrieve the formula from a specified cell or a named cell
Start column No Text value The cell column (single cell's value) or first column as a numeric value or a letter
Start row No Numeric value The cell row (single cell's value) or first row number
Name No Text value The name of cells

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
CellFormula Text value The formula of a single cell


Exception Description
Failed to read the formula from cell Indicates a problem when reading the formula from a cell in Excel

Get table range from Excel worksheet

Retrieves the range of a table in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Table name No Text value Specify the name of the table in Excel.
Is pivot N/A Boolean value False Determine whether the specified table is a pivot table.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FirstColumnIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the table's first column
FirstRowIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the table's first row
LastColumnIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the table's last column
LastRowIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the table's last row


Exception Description
Failed to get the range from table Indicates a problem when getting the range from a table in Excel

Auto fill cells in Excel worksheet

Auto fills a range with data, based on the data of another range, in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Ranges format N/A Named cells, Specific ranges Named cells Specify how the ranges are referenced, either using named cells or absolute column/row indexes
Source cells name No Text value Name representing the source range for auto filling
Destination cells name No Text value Name representing the destination range to auto fill. The source range should begin from the same cell and should be included in the destination range
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column of both ranges
Start row No Numeric value The first row number of both ranges. The numbering starts from 1
Source end column No Text value The index or letter of the last column of the source range
Source end row No Numeric value The last row number of the source range. The numbering starts from 1
Destination end column No Text value The index or letter of the last column of the destination range
Destination end row No Numeric value The last row number of the destination range. The numbering starts from 1

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to auto fill cells Indicates a problem when auto filling cells in Excel

Append cells in Excel worksheet

Appends a range of cells to the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Append mode N/A To active sheet, To named cells To active sheet Specify whether to append to a sheet or range of named cells
Name No Text value The name of the range of cells
First row has headers N/A Boolean value False Indicates that the first row of the destination contains column headers
Starting column Yes Text value The starting column number or letter, where the data is appended beginning from the destination's first empty row. If the field is left empty, the first column of the specified destination is used instead.
Starting column header Yes Text value The header of the starting column, where the data is appended beginning from the destination's first empty row. If the field is left empty, the first column of the specified destination is used instead.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to append cells Indicates a problem when appending cells in Excel

Lookup range in Excel worksheet

Finds and returns the result of Excel's LOOKUP function.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Lookup value No Text value The value to lookup in the specified range of cells.
Ranges format N/A Named cells, Specific ranges Named cells Specify how the ranges are referenced, either using named cells or absolute column/row indexes.
Cells name No Text value The name of the cells range to search for the lookup value.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column of the range to search for the lookup value.
Start row No Numeric value The first row number of the range to search for the lookup value. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column of the range to search for the lookup value.
End row No Numeric value The last row number of the range to search for the lookup value. The numbering starts from 1.
Array form N/A Boolean value False The array form of LOOKUP looks in the first row or column of an array for the specified value and returns a value from the same position in the last row or column of the array. Use this form of LOOKUP when the values that you want to match are in the first row or column of the array. If this option remains disabled, the vector form of LOOKUP is used instead, which looks in a one-row or one-column range (known as a vector) for a value and returns a value from the same position in a second one-row or one-column range.
Cells name of results source Yes Text value The name of the cells range from which the matching value is returned.
Start column of results source No Text value The index or letter of the first column of the range from which the matching value is returned.
Start row of results source No Numeric value The first row number of the range from which the matching value is returned. The numbering starts from 1.
End column of results source No Text value The index or letter of the last column of the range from which the matching value is returned.
End row of results source No Numeric value The last row number of the range from which the matching value is returned. The numbering starts from 1.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
LookupResult Text value The value returned by the LOOKUP function


Exception Description
Failed to lookup Indicates a problem when looking up a value in Excel

Set color of cells in Excel worksheet

Fills the background of the selected cells with the specified color, in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

You can define the color by entering a hexadecimal code, or you can choose from a selection of predefined color names provided in the list. Selecting the 'Transparent' option leaves the cells without any color fill.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must be specified in a Launch Excel action.
Set color of N/A Single cell, Range of cells, Named cells Single cell Specify whether to set the background color of a single cell, a range of cells, or named cells.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the cell column or range's first column.
Start row No Numeric value The cell row or the range's first row number. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the range's last column.
End row No Numeric value The range's last row number. The numbering starts from 1.
Cells name No Text value Name representing the range that is filled with the specified color.
Color format N/A Name, Hexadecimal value Name Select whether to specify a color by its name or its hexadecimal value.
Color name No Text value Select one of the system defined colors.
Color hexadecimal value No Text value Specify the hexadecimal (RGB) value of the color.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to set color Indicates a problem when setting the color of cells in Excel

Launch Excel

Launches a new Excel instance or opens an Excel document.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Launch Excel N/A With a blank document, and open the following document With a blank document Specify whether to open a New Excel document, or an existing document
Document path No File The full path of the existing Excel document to open
Make instance visible N/A Boolean value True Specify whether to make the Excel window visible or hidden
Nest under a new Excel process N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the Excel spreadsheet should be under a unique Excel process. Macros and add-ins from other spreadsheets won't be accessible.
Password Yes Direct encrypted input or Text value The password on the Excel document, if it's password protected
Open as ReadOnly N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to open the stored document in read-only mode or not
Load add-ins and macros N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to load add-ins and macros into the new Excel instance

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ExcelInstance Excel instance The specific Excel instance for use with later Excel actions. This allows the user to specify which of possibly several Excel spreadsheets to access


Exception Description
Failed to launch Excel Indicates a problem launching an Excel instance
Failed to open Excel document Indicates a problem opening the specified Excel document

Attach to running Excel

Attaches to an Excel document that's already open.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Document name No File The name or the path of the Excel document to attach to

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ExcelInstance Excel instance The Excel instance this action has attached to for use with later Excel actions


Exception Description
Specified Excel document not found Indicates that the specified Excel document couldn't be found
Failed to attach to Excel document Indicates a problem attaching to the Excel document

Read from Excel worksheet

Reads the value of a cell or a range of cells from the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Retrieve N/A The value of a single cell, Values from a range of cells, Values from selection, All available values from worksheet The value of a single cell Whether to retrieve the value of a single cell, a table from a range of cells or the entire worksheet
Start column No Text value The cell column (single cell's value) or first column as a numeric value or a letter
Start row No Numeric value The cell row (single cell's Value) or first row number
End column No Text value The last column as a numeric value or a letter
End row No Numeric value The last row number
Get cell contents as text N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to retrieve the content of the cells purely as text or as the closest matching type such as Date Time for dates, Numeric for numbers, and so on
First line of range contains column names N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to consider the first row as column names. In this case, the names won't be read as data into the table and later actions can search the data by column names.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ExcelData General value The value of the single cell
ExcelData Datatable The value of the range of cells as a DataTable


Exception Description
Failed to read cell values Indicates a problem reading the value(s) of the specified Excel cells

Get active cell on Excel worksheet

Get the active cell in the active worksheet of the Excel document.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ActiveCellColumnIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the active cell's column
ActiveCellRowIndex Numeric value The numeric value of the active cell's row


Exception Description
Failed to get active cell Indicates a problem getting the active cell

Save Excel

Saves a previously launched Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to save. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Save mode N/A Save document, Save document as Save document How to save the document of this instance
Document format N/A Default (From Extension), Excel Workbook (.xlsx), Excel Workbook Macro Enabled (.xlsm), Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls), Web Page (.htm, .html), Excel Template (.xltx), Excel Template Macro Enabled (.xltm), Excel 97-2003 Template (.xlt), Text (.txt), Unicode Text (.txt), Text Macintosh (.txt), Text DOS (.txt), XML Spreadsheet (.xml), Excel 95 (.xls), CSV (.csv), DIF (.dif), SYLK (.slk), Excel add-in (.xlam), Excel 97-2003 add-In (.xla), Strict Open XML Workbook (.xlsx), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods), XML Data (.xml), Excel Binary Workbook (.xlsb) Default (From Extension) The format to save the document as
Document path No File The full path to save the document as

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to save Excel document Indicates a problem saving the Excel document

Write to Excel worksheet

Writes a value into a cell or a range of cells of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Value to write No General value Enter the text, number, or variable to insert. If the variable contains a table, it will fill in cells to the right and below, writing over other cell data if need be and a list will fill in cells below.
Write mode N/A On specified cell, On currently active cell On specified cell Whether to write into a specified cell or the currently active cell
Column No Text value The column number or letter for the cell to write to
Row No Numeric value The row of the cell to write to. The numbering starts from 1, meaning that the index of the first worksheet is 1, the second is 2, and so on.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to write value to Excel Indicates a problem writing the specified value to the Excel instance

Close Excel

Closes an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to close. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Before closing Excel N/A Do not save document, Save document, Save document as Don't save document Whether and how to save the document of this instance before closing that instance
Document format N/A Default (From Extension), Excel Workbook (.xlsx), Excel Workbook Macro Enabled (.xlsm), Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls), Web Page (.htm, .html), Excel Template (.xltx), Excel Template Macro Enabled (.xltm), Excel 97-2003 Template (.xlt), Text (.txt), Unicode Text (.txt), Text Macintosh (.txt), Text DOS (.txt), XML Spreadsheet (.xml), Excel 95 (.xls), CSV (.csv), DIF (.dif), SYLK (.slk), Excel add-in (.xlam), Excel 97-2003 add-in (.xla), Strict Open XML Workbook (.xlsx), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods), XML Data (.xml), Excel Binary Workbook (.xlsb) Default (From Extension) The format of the document
Document path No File The full path of the document

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to save Excel document Indicates a problem saving the Excel document
Failed to close Excel instance Indicates a problem closing the Excel instance

Set active Excel worksheet

Activates a specific worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Activate worksheet with N/A Index, Name Name Specify whether to find the worksheet by name or index
Worksheet index No Numeric value The index number of the worksheet to activate. The numbering starts from 1, meaning that the index of the first worksheet is 1, the second is 2, and so on.
Worksheet name No Text value The name of the worksheet to activate

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Can't find worksheet Indicates that a worksheet with the specified name couldn't be found
Failed to activate worksheet Indicates a problem activating the specified worksheet

Add new worksheet

Adds a new worksheet to the document of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify the Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
New worksheet name No Text value Specify the name of the new worksheet
Add worksheet as N/A First worksheet, Last worksheet First worksheet Specify whether the new Excel worksheet will be added before or after the existing worksheets

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
A worksheet with the same name already exists Indicates that the worksheet couldn't be added because a worksheet with the same name already exists
Failed to add worksheet Indicates a problem adding the worksheet

Get first free column/row from Excel worksheet

Retrieves the first free column and/or row of the active worksheet. This is useful for adding new data into a worksheet that already has data in it.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance Specify The Excel instance. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FirstFreeColumn Numeric value The numeric value of the first fully empty column. For example, if column F is the first empty column, it will be stored as '6'.
FirstFreeRow Numeric value The numeric value of the first fully empty row. For example, if row 7 is the first empty row, it will be stored as '7'.


Exception Description
Failed to retrieve first free column/row Indicates a problem retrieving the first free column/row of an Excel instance

Get column name on Excel worksheet

Gets the name of the column.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Column number No Numeric value The column number

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ColumnName Text value The name of the column


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Clear cells in Excel worksheet

Clears a range of cells or a named cell in the active worksheet of an Excel instance.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Clear N/A Range of cells, Range of cells relative to active cell, Named cells, Single cell Range of cells Specify whether to select an explicitly specified range of cells, a range of cells relative to the currently active cell, named cells, or a single cell.
X Axis Direction N/A Left, Right Left The X-axis offset direction. Where to look along the horizontal axis, based on currently activated cell's position.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column.
X Offset No Numeric value The X-axis offset.
Start row No Numeric value The first row number. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column.
Y Axis Direction N/A Above, Below Above The Y-axis offset direction. Where to look along the vertical axis, based on the position of the currently active cell.
End row No Numeric value The last row number. The numbering starts from 1.
Y Offset No Numeric value The Y-axis offset.
Name No Text value The name of cells.
Column No Text value The index or letter of the column.
Row No Numeric value The row number. Enumeration starts from 1.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to clear cells Indicates a problem occurred while trying to clear the specified cells in the Excel instance.

Sort cells in Excel worksheet

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Sort column in N/A Active sheet, Table, Range Active sheet Specify whether the column to be sorted is part of a table, a specified range, either by name or absolute coordinates or if it's part of the general active worksheet.
Table name No Text value The name of the table.
Range N/A Named cells, Specific range Named cells Specify the range to be sorted, either using named cell or absolute column and row index.
Cells name No Text value Name representing the range.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column.
Start row No Numeric value The first row number. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column.
End row No Numeric value The last row number. The numbering starts from 1.
Sort by Yes Sorting rules as defined by the user N/A Sorting rules to apply.
First row is header Yes Boolean value Indicates that the first row of the worksheet is a header.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to sort cells in worksheet Indicates a problem sorting cells in the worksheet.

Filter cells in Excel worksheet

Filter cells in Excel worksheet allows makers to create and apply a filter in the active sheet, table, or range on the values of a specified column. To filter multiple columns in an active sheet/table/range, multiple Filter cells in Excel worksheet actions must be used, each one applying the respective filter.


To apply multiple filters in a specific active sheet/table/range, make sure that all Filter cells in Excel worksheet actions used target the same source (active sheet/table/range).

When using the Filter cells in Excel worksheet in an active sheet/range with already existing/applied filters:

  • If the targeted range is the same as the one the previous filters were applied on, all filters are applied.
  • If the targeted range isn't the same as the range previous filters were applied on, previous filters are cleared, and only the latest filter is applied.
  • If the targeted range is a table, all filters are applied.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Filter column in N/A Active sheet, Table, Range Active sheet Specify whether the column to be filtered is part of a table, a specified range, either by name or absolute coordinates or if it's part of the general active worksheet
Table name No Text value The name of the table.
Range N/A Named cells, Specific range Named cells Specify the range to be filtered, either using named cell or absolute column/row index
Cells name No Text value Name representing the range
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column.
Start row No Numeric value The first row number. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column.
End row No Numeric value The last row number. The numbering starts from 1.
Column to filter No Text value Name or index of the column to be filtered. If the column is part of a table use the header name.
Filters to apply Yes Filtering rules as defined by the user N/A Filtering rules applied to the defined column

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to apply filter on cells in worksheet Indicates a problem applying the specified filter on cells in the worksheet

Clear filters in Excel worksheet

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Clear filters in N/A Active sheet, Table Active sheet Specify whether to clear filters from the entire active worksheet or from a specific table.
Table name No Text value The name of the table.
Clear filters from specific column Yes Boolean value Clear filters from specific column.
Clear filter in column No Text value The column name to clear applied filter.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to clear filter on cells in worksheet Indicates a problem applying the specified filter on cells in the worksheet

Get empty cell

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Excel instance No Excel instance The Excel instance to work with. This variable must have been previously specified in a Launch Excel action.
Operation N/A First empty cell, First empty cell in column, First empty cell in row, All empty cells First empty cell Specify whether to search for the first empty cell, the first empty cell on column, the first empty cell on row, or all empty cells inside a specific range.
Search direction N/A By row, By column By row Specify whether to search by rows or columns to find the first empty cell inside a specific range.
Search in N/A Named cells, Specific range Named cells Search for empty cell in a named cell or a range defined by start column/row and end column/row.
Cells name No Text value Name representing the range.
Column No Text value Column.
Row No Numeric value Row.
Start column No Text value The index or letter of the first column.
Start row No Numeric value The first row number. The numbering starts from 1.
End column No Text value The index or letter of the last column.
End row No Numeric value The last row number. The numbering starts from 1.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
EmptyCellColumnIndex Numeric value The index of the column the first empty cell is found.
EmptyCellRowIndex Numeric value The index of the row the first empty cell is found.
EmptyCells Datatable The list of empty cells found.


Exception Description
Get empty cells failed Indicates a problem retrieving the empty cells from the worksheet.

Known limitations

Using Excel files synchronized through OneDrive or SharePoint

Interaction with Microsoft Excel files that are contained in folders synchronized in OneDrive or SharePoint might result in an erroneous flow. Power Automate for desktop utilizes COM objects for Excel interactions. OneDrive and SharePoint aren't fully compatible with Excel instances launched through COM.

For this reason, when you try to open an Excel file stored under a OneDrive or SharePoint directory, you might encounter a file not found error. To resolve this issue, use one of the following workarounds:

Workaround 1

  • Make a local copy of the respective Excel file.
  • Modify the local copy of the Excel file using Power Automate for desktop's Excel automation actions.
  • Override the Excel file copy synchronized through OneDrive/ Sharepoint with the local copy that includes the latest changes.

Workaround 2


This workaround can be used in general when the Launch Excel action fails to execute.

  • Open a new Excel instance using the Run application action. Make sure that you provide enough wait time between actions, allowing the Excel process to load completely, including any add-ins.
  • Use the action Attach to Excel to attach to the new process.

Case with Read from Excel worksheet

When the Get cell contents as text option is enabled in the Read from Excel worksheet action, the data is retrieved exactly as it appears in the Excel worksheet. This means that if the column width is too narrow and the data is displayed as ### in Excel, these symbols will also appear in the result.


To avoid this, use the Resize columns/rows action. If the Get cell contents as text option is not used, the data fetched is the raw cell values, regardless of how they are displayed or formatted in the worksheet. This means there is no need to use the Resize columns/rows action. For date values, the time will be appended because the date data type includes time.