Microsoft cognitive actions

Azure Cognitive Services enables you to accelerate decision-making using artificial intelligence without requiring machine learning expertise.


Azure is retiring Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics v2.x on 29 February 2024. This library is used by the Microsoft Cognitive Text Analytics actions. After February 29, 2024 those actions will no longer be supported in desktop flows and will not be operational.

Desktop flows provide a wide variety of Microsoft cognitive actions that allow you to integrate this functionality into your desktop flows. Text analysis, computer vision, and spell-checking are all tasks that Microsoft cognitive actions can perform.

All Microsoft cognitive actions require a subscription key that validates your subscription for a service or group of services. The keys are available in the Azure portal for each resource you've created.

Screenshot of the Spell check action.

Spell check

Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Bing Spell Check.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Text No List of Text values The text or the list of texts to send
Mode Yes Text value Specify the spell-check mode
Mkt Yes Text value For proof mode, the only supported language codes are: en-us, es-es, pt-br. For spell mode, all language codes are supported
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services

Analyze image

Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Analyze Image.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a URL address
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
Image URL No Text value The URL address of an image
Visual features Yes Text value A text value indicating what visual feature types to return. Multiple values should be comma-separated. For example: categories, tags, description
Details Yes Text value A text value indicating which domain-specific details to return. Multiple values should be comma-separated
Language Yes Text value A text value indicating which language to return. The service will return recognition results in the specified language
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services

Describe image

Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Describe Image.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a URL address
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
Image URL No Text value The URL address of an image
Max candidates Yes Text value The maximum number of candidate descriptions to be returned. The default is 1
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services


Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'OCR.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a URL address
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
Image URL No Text value The URL address of an image
Language Yes Text value The BCP-47 language code of the text to detect in the image
Detect orientation Yes Text value Specify whether to detect the text orientation in the image
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services

Tag image

Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Tag Image.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a URL address
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
Image URL No Text value The URL address of an image
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services

Detect language

Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Text Analytics - Detect Language.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Text No Text value The text to analyze
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services

Key phrases

Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Text Analytics - Key Phrases.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Text No List of Text values The text or the list of texts to analyze
Language Yes Text value The language of the text(s)
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services


Invokes the Microsoft Cognitive service named 'Text Analytics - Sentiment.'

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Server location N/A West US, West US 2, East US, East US 2, West Central US, South Central US, West Europe, North Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia East, Brazil South, Canada Central, Central India, UK South, Japan East West US The server location to be used for this API call
Subscription key No Text value The subscription key to use for this API call
Text No List of Text values Text
Language Yes Text value The two letter ISO 639-1 representation of the language of the text(s)
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services