Variables actions

To manually create a variable in a desktop flow, deploy the Set variable action. This action requires you to provide a name and a value for the new variable.

Screenshot of the Set variable action.


Reserved keywords can't be used as variable names. For the full list of reserved keywords go to Reserved keywords in desktop flows.

To increase or decrease the value of a numeric variable, use the Increase variable and Decrease variable actions, respectively.

Screenshot of the Increase variable action.

Most actions output their result into a variable. For example, the Create new list action produces an empty list.

Similarly, the Generate random number action produces a random numeric value. If you enable Generate multiple numbers in this action, you create a list variable containing multiple random numeric values.

Screenshot of the Generate random number action.

To add items to an existing list, deploy the Add item to list action, and populate a hard-coded value or a variable to define the item to add. Likewise, you can remove items from a list with the Remove item from list action.


List indexes start from 0, meaning that the first item in the list always has an index of 0. Use the notation %ListName[0]% to refer to the first item in the list, %ListName[1]% to the second, and so on.

If you want to create a data table variable, deploy the Create new data table action and specify the initial items of it using the visual builder.

To manipulate a data table variable, use the actions of the respective action subgroup, such as the Find or replace in data table and Update data table item actions.

Screenshot of the Create new data table action.

Create new data table

Creates a new data table variable.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
New table No Datatable The input data table

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
DataTable Datatable The new data table


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Insert row into data table

Inserts a row at the end or before a specific index value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must have been previously specified by an action that produces a data table variable
Into location N/A End of data table, Before row index End of data table Specify whether to insert the new row at the end of the data table or before a specified row index
Row index No Numeric value Insert the row index value to be used when before row index is specified as the into location parameter
New value(s) No List, Datarow This parameter accepts a list or datarow variable where the column count should match the column count in the data table

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Item index is out of range Indicates that the provided item index is out of range
Invalid input arguments Indicates that there's an invalid input parameter
Incompatible type error Indicates that an input parameter of an incompatible type is provided

Delete row from data table

Delete a data table row at the corresponding row index.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must be specified by an action that produces a data table variable
Row index No Numeric value The row index within a data table that should be deleted

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Item index is out of range Indicates that the specified data table item is out of range

Update data table item

Update a data table row item on a defined column.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must have been previously specified by an action that produces a data table variable.
Column No Text value The column name or index of the item to update.
Row No Numeric value The row index of the item to update.
New value No Text value The new value to update at the specified row index and column.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Item index is out of range Indicates that the specified data table item is out of range
Column name doesn't exist Indicates that the provided column name doesn't exist
Column index is out of range Indicates that the provided column index is out of range
Incompatible type error Indicates that an input parameter of an incompatible type was provided

Find or replace in data table

Finds and/or replaces data table values.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must have been previously specified by an action that produces a data table variable
Search mode N/A Find, Find and replace Find The mode to search with (find or find and replace)
All matches N/A Boolean value True Specify whether to find or replace text in all the matching cells found or the first matching cell only
Text to find No Text value The text to find in the data table
Find using a regular expression N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to use a regular expression to match the cell contents with the text to find
Match case N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to search for case-sensitive data
Match entire cell contents N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to search for cells that contain just the specified text
Text to replace with No Text value The text used to replace the matching cells
Search by N/A Everywhere, On column Everywhere The order in which to search for the text (everywhere, or on column)
Column index or name No Text value The column header or index value

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
DataTableMatches Datatable The data table containing the row and column indexes for matches


Exception Description
Provided regular expression is invalid Indicates that the provided regular expression is invalid
Column name doesn't exist Indicates that the provided column name doesn't exist
Column index is out of range Indicates that the provided column index is out of range
Incompatible type error Indicates that an input parameter of an incompatible type is provided

Insert column into data table

Inserts a column at the end or before a specific index value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must be specified by an action that produces a data table variable.
Into location N/A End of data table, Before column index End of data table Specify whether to insert the new column at the end of the data table or before a specified column index.
Column name No Text value Specify the header of the new column.
Column index No Numeric value Specify the column index value that is utilized when the Before column index option is selected for the Into location parameter.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Column index is out of range Indicates that the provided column index is out of range.
Duplicate column name Indicates that the provided column name already exists.

Delete column from data table

Delete a data table column at the specified column index or column name.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must be specified by an action that produces a data table variable.
Specify column with N/A Name, Index Name Specify whether to find the column by name or index.
Column name No Text value The name of the column that should be deleted.
Column index No Numeric value The index of the column that should be deleted. Column indexes start from 0.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Column name doesn't exist Indicates that the provided column name doesn't exist
Column index is out of range Indicates that the provided column index is out of range

Delete empty rows from data table

Deletes the rows of the data table that have all of their cells empty.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. This variable must have been previously specified by an action that produces a data table variable

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Delete duplicate rows from data table

Deletes all the rows that are duplicate from the data table, if the values have the same data type in each column.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Type mismatch in the cells of a column ​Indicates that two or more values in a single column are of different data type

Clear data table

Deletes all the rows of the data table, keeping table headers unaffected.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Sort data table

Sorts the data table rows in ascending or descending order by the specified column, if all its values have the same data type.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.
Specify column with N/A Name, Index Name Specify whether to find the column by name or index.
Column name No Text value The name of the column that should be sorted.
Column index No Numeric value The index of the column that should be sorted. Column indexes start from 0.
Order N/A Ascending, Descending Ascending The order to sort the data table.

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Column name doesn't exist ​Indicates that the provided column name doesn't exist
Column index is out of range ​Indicates that the provided column index is out of range
Type mismatch in the cells of a column ​Indicates that two or more values in a single column are of different data type

Filter data table

Filters the data table rows based on the applied rules.

In the action's built-in wizard that helps you create the filters needed, you can apply multiple filters to different columns that are defined by name or index. Every filter is composed of a specific column it targets, an operator that is selected, and the value that is assigned to it.

In addition, multiple filters are applied together via AND and/or OR rules. AND rules are resolved first in the resulting filter expression, followed by the OR rules.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.
Filters to apply No Filtering rules as defined by the user N/A Filtering rules applied to the defined columns

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
FilteredDataTable Datatable The generated data table after applying the filters


Exception Description
Column name doesn't exist ​Indicates that the provided column name doesn't exist
Column index is out of range ​Indicates that the provided column index is out of range
Type mismatch in the cells of a column ​Indicates that two or more values in a single column are of different data type

Merge data tables

Merges two data tables together, specifying the merging behavior in case their number of columns is different.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
First data table No Datatable The first data table variable to work with. This is also the action's produced variable that holds the merged data table
Second data table No Datatable The second data table that is merged into the first data table
Merge mode N/A Add extra columns, Ignore extra columns, Error on extra columns Add extra columns The merging behavior that is applied when the tables don't have the same number of columns

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Missing Schema ​​Indicates that the data tables don't have the same number of columns

Join data tables

Joins two data tables based on the specified join rule.

In the action's built-in wizard that helps you create the join rules needed, you can set multiple rules by specifying the column from the first and the second datatable accordingly, and the comparison operator that applies between them.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
First data table No Datatable The first data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.
Second data table No Datatable The second data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.
Join operation N/A Inner, Left, Full Inner The join operation that is used to join the two tables
Join rules No Join rules as defined by the user N/A Define the columns and the operation to be used for joining the two data tables

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JoinedDataTable Datatable The generated data table after the join operation


Exception Description
Column name doesn't exist ​Indicates that the provided column name doesn't exist
Column index is out of range ​Indicates that the provided column index is out of range

Read from CSV text variable

Generates a data table from a CSV text.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
CSV text No Text value The CSV text variable to read.
Trim fields N/A Boolean value True Specifies whether to automatically trim off the leading and trailing whitespaces of the extracted cells.
First line contains column names N/A Boolean value False Specifies whether to use the first row of the CSV text to set the column names of the resulting data table. Enable this option to avoid reading the names as data into the table. Subsequent actions might access the data held by the data table using column names (instead of column numbers).
Get CSV fields as text N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to retrieve the content of the CSV text fields purely as text or as the closest matching type. For example, Date Time for dates and Numeric for numbers.
Columns separator N/A Predefined, Custom, Fixed Column Widths Predefined Specifies whether to use a predefined columns separator, a custom separator, or fixed column widths.
Separator N/A System default, Comma, Semicolon, Tab System default The column-separator to parse the CSV text.
Custom separator No Text value The custom column-separator to use for parsing the CSV text.
Fixed column widths No Text value The fixed column-widths to use for parsing the CSV text. Separate the widths using commas, spaces, tabs, or newlines.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
CSVTable Datatable The contents of the CSV text as a data table


Exception Description
CSV parsing failed ​Indicates a problem parsing the CSV text

Convert data table to text

Converts a data table to a CSV text.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table variable to work with. The specified variable must be defined through an action that generates a data table variable.
Include column names N/A Boolean value False Specifies whether the column names of the variant specified should become the first row of the CSV text.
Use custom columns separator N/A Boolean value False Specifies whether to use a custom column separator or a predefined column separator.
Separator N/A System default, Comma, Semicolon, Tab System default The column separator to use in the specified CSV text.
Custom columns separator No Text value The custom column separator to use in the specified CSV text.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
CSVText Text value The variable in which the CSV result is stored


Exception Description
Conversion failed ​Indicates a problem converting the data table to CSV text

Truncate number

Get the integral or fractional digits of a numeric value, or round up the value to a specified number of decimal places.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Number to truncate No Numeric value The number or variable that holds the numeric value to truncate/round up
Operation N/A Get integer part, Get decimal part, Round number Get integer part Specifies the operation to perform on the given number
Decimal places Yes Numeric value 3 The number of decimal places to round the given number up to. Enter 0 to return an integer as a result

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
TruncatedValue Numeric value The truncated or rounded number


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Generate random number

Generate a random number or a list of random numbers that fall between a minimum and maximum value.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Minimum value Yes Numeric value 0 The lower boundary for the random number(s) to generate
Maximum value Yes Numeric value 100 The upper boundary for the random number(s) to generate
Generate multiple numbers N/A Boolean value False Specifies whether to generate a single random number or a list of random numbers
How many numbers Yes Numeric value 10 Specifies how many random numbers to generate
Allow duplicates N/A Boolean value False Specifies whether to permit or prevent the same number from appearing more than once in the random numbers list

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
RandomNumber Numeric value The newly generated random number
RandomNumbers List of Numeric values The newly generated list of random numbers


Exception Description
Failed to generate random number Indicates that there's an error generating a random number

Clear list

Remove all items from a list.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
List to clear No List of General values A list variable to remove its elements

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Remove item from list

Remove one or multiple items from a list.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Remove item by N/A Index, Value Index Specifies whether to remove the item at a specified index or the item(s) with a specific value
At index No Numeric value The index number of the item to remove
With value No General value The item to remove
Remove all item occurrences N/A Boolean value False Removes all the occurrences that match the item specified
From list No List of General values The list with items to remove
Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Item index is out of range Indicates that item index is out of range
Item not found Indicates that item doesn't exist in the list

Sort list

Sort the items of a list. Use items of the same type.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
List to sort No List of General values The variable that holds the list to sort
Sort by list item's properties N/A Boolean value False If the list items are objects (such are files, folders, etc.), enable this option to sort the item by a specific property. Leave this option disabled to sort the elements by their default property (for example, file objects are sorted by their full path)
First property to sort by Yes Text value The name of an item's property to sort the list by. Refer to the help file for the property names of each object
Sort N/A Ascending, Descending Ascending Specifies whether to sort by the first property ascending or descending
Second property to sort by Yes Text value The name of a second property to sort the list by
Sort N/A Ascending, Descending Ascending Specifies whether to sort by the second property ascending or descending
Third property to sort by Yes Text value The name of a third property to sort the list by
Sort N/A Ascending, Descending Ascending Specifies whether to sort by the third property ascending or descending

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Shuffle list

Create a random permutation of a list.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
List to shuffle No List of General values The variable that contains the list to shuffle

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Merge lists

Merge two lists into one.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
First list No List of General values The first list of items to merge
Second list No List of General values The second list of items to merge

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
OutputList List of General values The merged list. The initial lists aren't affected


Exception Description
The lists supplied are of incompatible types Indicates that the lists supplied are of incompatible types

Reverse list

Reverse the order of the items of a list.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
List to reverse No List of General values The list whose items order to reverse
Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Remove duplicate items from list

Remove the multiple occurrences of items in a list, so that in the resulting list each item is unique.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
List to remove duplicate items from No List of General values The list variable to remove duplicate items from
Ignore text case while searching for duplicate items N/A Boolean value False Specifies whether to perform case insensitive comparison of text while searching for duplicate items (only applies to lists made of text items)

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Find common list items

Compare two lists and create a new list with the items that are common to both.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
First list No List of General values The variable that contains the first list to compare
Second list No List of General values The variable that contains the second list to compare

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
IntersectionList List of General values The new list of common items


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Subtract lists

Compare two lists and create a new list with the items that are in the first list but not in the second.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
First list No List of General values The variable that holds the first list to compare
Second list No List of General values The variable that holds the second list to compare

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ListDifference List of General values The new resulting list


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Retrieve data table column into list

Convert the contents of a data table column into a list.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Data table No Datatable The data table with the column to convert into a list
Column name or index No Text value The column name, if column names are defined, or the index number of the column to retrieve

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ColumnAsList List of General values The new list that holds the contents of the specified data table


Exception Description
Column name doesn't exist Indicates that the column name isn't in the data table
Column index is out of range Indicates that the column index is out of range

Convert JSON to custom object

Convert a JSON string to a custom object.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
JSON No Text value A JSON text, or a previously created variable containing one, to convert it to a custom object

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JsonAsCustomObject General value The converted custom object from the provided JSON


Exception Description
Error parsing the JSON Indicates that there's an error parsing the specified JSON

Convert custom object to JSON

Convert a custom object to a JSON string.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Custom object No Custom object The custom object to convert to JSON

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
CustomObjectAsJson Text value The converted JSON from the provided custom object


Exception Description
Error parsing the custom object Indicates that there's an error parsing the custom object

Add item to list

Append a new item to a list.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Add item No General value A value or a variable to add to the list. Provide a list of values to append multiple elements. If the list has a specific type of elements, the new element is converted over to that type
Into list No List of General values A list variable to append the new elements to

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
NewList List of General values The new list


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Create new list

Create a new empty list.

Input parameters

This action doesn't require any input.

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
List List of General values The new list


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Increase variable

Increase the value of a variable by a specific amount.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Variable name No Numeric value The numeric value to increase
Increase by No Numeric value A numeric value, or a previously created variable containing one, to increase the variable by

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Decrease variable

Decrease the value of a variable by a specific amount.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Variable name No Numeric value A numeric value, or a previously created variable containing one, to decrease the variable by
Decrease by No Numeric value A numeric value, or a previously created variable containing one, to decrease the variable by

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Run Power Fx expression

Runs the provided Power Fx expression.


This action is only available for Power Fx enabled desktop flows (preview).

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Expression No * The Power Fx expression to run

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.

Set variable

Set the value of a new or existing variable, create a new variable or overwrite a previously created variable.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
To No * The value to assign to the variable

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
NewVar * The name of the variable to set


Variable names must start with either a letter or an underscore (_). After the first character, variable names can contain letters, underscores, and digits (0-9). Names are not case-sensitive, meaning myVar, myvar, and MYVAR are considered the same variable. The following reserved keywords cannot be used as variable names: if, then, else, switch, case, default, loop, from, to, step, foreach, in, while, next, exit, label, goto, call, output, function, block, end, error, wait, for, set, main, and, or, xor, not, true, false, yes, no, disable, on, repeat, times, throw, action, mod, global, input, import


This action doesn't include any exceptions.