Pass a datatable from a cloud flow to a desktop flow

Some automation scenarios require users to pass data in tabular form from a cloud flow to a desktop flow. To implement this functionality, replicate the following steps:

  1. Create a new input variable of a datatable datatype. In this example, the input variable is named DataInput.

    Screenshot of the Add a new input variable dialog.

  2. Inside your cloud flow, initialize a new variable of type array with an array of objects (JSON) representing your datatable. Then, use it as an input value in the Run a flow built with Power Automate for desktop action.

    Screenshot of the created cloud flow that passes the datatable in a JSON format.

    In the following example, you can see the structure of a JSON block:

     "Name": "Tania",
     "Last Name": "Agius",
     "Email": ""
     "Name": "Ditiro",
     "Last Name": "Kgosi",
     "Email": ""
     "Name": "Zoltan",
     "Last Name": "Gal",
     "Email": ""

To find more information regarding passing data from cloud flows to desktop flows, refer to Trigger desktop flows from cloud flows.