Securing lists

To secure a list, you must configure table permissions for the table for which records are being displayed.

Starting with release 9.3.7.x, newly created websites will have table permissions enforced for all lists irrespective of the Enable Table Permissions setting.


The changes described above also apply to sites converted from trial to production.

To configure anonymous access explicitly, use proper table permissions, and relate to the Anonymous Users web role or a custom web role with Anonymous Users Role option.

Securing your list will ensure that users only see the records they have permissions for.

Securing data related to specific users (or their related accounts) is accomplished by adding a relationship between the table and either the contact or account table whereby only portal users that have a relationship to these records will be able to access the data using the table permission type of Account or Contact, and the setting up appropriate privileges and associating web roles to the table permission.

Good website design requires that if a user's role doesn't have permissions for the table (that is, there will never be a situation where they should see any records), they shouldn't have access to the page at all. Ideally, the page should also be protected by using Page permissions.

If you want to display the records level actions that are applicable to the signed in user, you must set the value of EntityList/ShowRecordLevelActions site setting to true.

For example, there are two users: Preston and Teddy. Preston has contact level all access on the case table, whereas Teddy has global read access. If a list is created to show all the case records, Preston would see all actions (View, Edit, and Delete) on the records that are related their contact. On other records, they would only see the View action. On the other hand, Teddy would only see the View action on all records.

If the EntityList/ShowRecordLevelActions site setting is set to false and the table has multiple permissions, all the record level actions are visible. But, when a user tries to perform an action without authorization, an error is displayed.

See also