Non-Administrator Center of Excellence (CoE) Command Line Interface (CLI) installation (Deprecated)


The CoE CLI is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Power Platform Project Setup Wizard to set up and manage your ALM Accelerator for Power Platform projects.

To install the CoE CLI as a non-administrator, use the following components:

Miniconda install

Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda. It's a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a few other useful packages.

  1. Visit Minoconda to download.

  2. Install Miniconda for your operating system.

Local NodeJs

Install NodeJs as a non-administrator:

  1. Go to NodeJs Download.

  2. Download the Windows binary for your operating system type.

  3. Open the downloaded the zip file.

  4. In Windows Explorer open %USERPROFILE%.

  5. Create a folder named nodejs.

  6. Copy all files from zip file into nodejs folder.

Install components

Microsoft Windows

To install components using Microsoft Windows:

  1. Open %USERPROFILE%\dev.bat with Notepad and make the following edit:
%windir%\System32\cmd.exe "/K" %USERPROFILE%\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat %USERPROFILE%\miniconda3
  1. Open dev.bat file created earlier.

  2. Install the Azure CLI.

pip install azure-cli
  1. Verify all prerequisites are now all installed.
az --version
node --version
  1. Download the zip file or clone the repository coe-starter-kit.

  2. Go to the unzipped or cloned repository.

    cd coe-starter-kit
  3. Go to the coe-cli folder.

    cd coe-cli
  4. Install application dependencies.

    npm install
  5. Build the application.

    npm run build
  6. Link to the CoE CLI application.

    npm link
  7. Ensure the CoE CLI is installed.

coe help