Streamline governance with environment groups

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Mar 29, 2024 May 16, 2024

Business value

Much like folders for documents, administrators can now manage their Microsoft Power Platform estate in aggregate groups—unlocking a whole new level of scale for governance—by creating environment groups and assigning a discrete set of rules to each group. Makers can easily access their personal development environment within the group, which automatically follows the group's rules, giving peace of mind that all environments within the group are pre-configured and meet baseline requirements from the get-go, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort.

Feature details

In this first Public Preview release of environment groups, Power Platform tenant administrators can:

  • Create environment groups and configure up to 6 rules within each group.
  • Rules include all settings and policies that are already available for Managed Environments today like sharing limits and solution checker.
  • All environments added to a group must be Managed Environments.
  • Environments added to a group automatically adhere to the group's rules and are configured identically to other environments in the group.
  • Power Platform tenant administrators can automatically route new personal developer environments to a single environment group.

See also

Environment groups (docs)