Design review checklist for Experience Optimization
This checklist presents a set of recommendations to help you optimize experiences for users.
Code | Recommendation | |
☐ | XO:01 | Design your workload to meet the expectations and requirements of users. Ensure that the workload is useful and provides a positive user experience. |
☐ | XO:02 | Follow established standards, conventions, and guidelines. Use common design patterns. Maintain consistency in design elements, terminology, and interactions across the interface. Use consistent patterns and standards to guide users through the interface and create a cohesive user experience. |
☐ | XO:03 | Implement a consistent information architecture. Be consistent in navigation structures. Provide contextual clues and visual indicators to guide users. Use consistent and user-friendly labels for categories, navigation, and other informational elements. |
☐ | XO:04 | Prioritize ease of use during the design process. Minimize user effort and maximize task efficiency. Streamline complex processes. Align design decisions with user needs. |
☐ | XO:05 | Provide meaningful, useful, and simple guidance in notifications and messages. Notify users with relevant, important, and valuable information. Give users feedback on their actions and let them know when something happens and what they need to do next. |
☐ | XO:06 | Optimize for different contexts and devices. Maintain usable and visually appealing layouts across screen sizes and resolutions. Use adaptive techniques to dynamically render content in various ways. |
☐ | XO:07 | Optimize user perception and aesthetics. Create visually appealing and engaging experiences that resonate with workload users. |
☐ | XO:08 | Follow interaction design best practices. Ensure seamless communication between users and the workload. Guide users through tasks effectively. Help users maintain context. |
☐ | XO:09 | Write task-focused content in a professional tone. Content is the primary mode of communication and should provide clear direction. Use an approachable, professional tone and provide meaningful content that facilitates success. |
☐ | XO:10 | Design conversations that align with users' needs and help the AI accomplish its objectives. Make it clear what the AI can do. Create natural interactions that feel intuitive and human-like. Provide fallback mechanisms to ensure the AI gracefully recovers from problems. |