Experience Optimization tradeoffs for Power Platform workloads

During the design phase of a workload, it's important to consider how decisions based on the Experience Optimization design principles and recommendations in the Design review checklist for Experience Optimization might influence the goals and optimization efforts of other pillars. Certain decisions may benefit some pillars, while being tradeoffs for others. This article lists example tradeoffs that a workload team might encounter when designing workload architecture and operations for experience optimization.

Experience Optimization tradeoffs with Reliability

Increased complexity. A workload that uses straightforward approaches and limits customization is generally easier to manage in terms of reliability.

  • Continuous improvement through adding new features in the user experience can introduce new issues that affect reliability and will require thorough testing.

  • Customizing the user interface with code and components adds new reliability targets.

Experience Optimization tradeoffs with Security

Increased workload surface area. The Security pillar prioritizes a reduced and contained surface area to minimize attack vectors and the management of security controls.

  • Improving the experience with features and integrations can introduce potential vectors for attack.

  • Using code components can inadvertently increase the workload's attack surface.

Experience Optimization tradeoffs with Operational Excellence

Compromised resource capacities. A workload's operational process provides rigor, consistency, specificity, and prioritization to change management in a workload.

  • Customizations in the workload's experience can complicate maintenance efforts and require increased resource utilization for testing.

  • Allocating resources to perform user research and develop prototypes can impact the focus on operational activities.

Experience Optimization tradeoffs with Performance Efficiency

Decreased performance. Performance Efficiency prioritizes platform features over customization to achieve efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Customizations in the workload's experience can have a negative impact on performance.

See also