Add members to multiple groups


This example shows how you can use the GroupSet composite resource to ensure multiple groups exist and include a specified list of members.

With Ensure set to Present and GroupName set to an array of Administrators and GroupName1, the resource adds the Administrators and GroupName1 local groups if they don't exist.

With MembersToInclude set to an array of Username1 and Username2, the resource adds Username1 and Username2 as members to both Administrators and GroupName1 if they're not already members.

With Invoke-DscResource

The Invoke-DscResource cmdlet doesn't support invoking composite resources. Instead, use the Group resource.

With a Configuration

This snippet shows how you can define a Configuration with a GroupSet resource block to ensure the local groups Administrators and GroupName1 exist and include Username1 and Username2 as members.

Configuration AddMembers {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDscResources'

    Node localhost {
        GroupSet GroupSet {
            GroupName = @(
            Ensure = 'Present'
            MembersToInclude = @(