DSC Configuration document parameter schema


Defines runtime options for a configuration.


SchemaDialect: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema
SchemaID:      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/config/document.parameter.json
Type:          object


DSC Configuration documents can include parameters, which users can override at runtime. Parameters enable separating secrets from configuration definitions and enable users to write configurations that can apply to multiple contexts.

Parameters are defined as key-value pairs in the parameters property of a configuration document. The key is the parameter's name, which is used to reference the parameter in the resources property of the configuration document. The value is an object that defines the parameter.

Every parameter defines its data type. Parameters may also define a default value, validation checks, a description of their purpose, and arbitrary metadata.

To reference parameters in resource instances, use the parameters() configuration function.

Required Properties



Parameters may define a short explanation of their purpose and usage with the description property. To define a longer explanation in YAML, use the folded block syntax or literal block syntax.

Type:     string
Required: false


The metadata property defines a set of key-value pairs as annotations for the parameter. DSC doesn't validate the metadata. A parameter can include any arbitrary information in this property.

Type:     object
Required: false


Every parameter must define the data type that it expects as the type property. DSC validates the data type for every passed parameter before executing a configuration operation.

The secure* data types indicate that DSC and integrating tools shouldn't log or record the values. If a secure data type parameter is used for a resource instance property that doesn't expect a secure value, the resource may still log or record the value. If the resource has independent logging or recording that isn't handled by DSC, the value may be stored insecurely.

Use secure strings for passwords and secrets.

For more information about data types, see DSC configuration parameter data type schema reference.

Type:        string
Required:    true
ValidValues: [string, securestring, int, bool, object, secureobject, array]


Parameters may define a default value with the defaultValue property. If the parameter isn't passed at runtime, DSC uses the default value for the parameter. If the parameter isn't passed at runtime and no default value is defined, DSC raises an error. The value must be valid for the parameter's type.

Required:       false
ValidJSONTypes: [string, integer, object, array, boolean]


Parameters may limit the set of valid values for the parameter by defining the allowedValues property. DSC validates parameters passed at runtime and defined as defaultValue against this list of values. If any of the values is invalid, DSC raises an error.

This property is always an array. If this property is defined, it must include at least one item in the list of values.

Type:               array
Required:           false
ValidItemJSONTypes: [string, integer, object, array, boolean]


The minLength property defines a validation option for array and string parameters. The length of a string is its character count. The length of an array is its item count.

If the default value or runtime value for the parameter is shorter than this property, DSC raises an error. If this property is defined for parameters whose type isn't array, string, or securestring, DSC raises an error.

If this property is defined with the maxLength property, this property must be less than maxLength. If it isn't, DSC raises an error.

Type:         int
Required:     false
MinimumValue: 0


The maxLength property defines a validation option for array and string parameters. The length of a string is its character count. The length of an array is its item count.

If the default value or runtime value for the parameter is longer than this property, DSC raises an error. If this property is defined for parameters whose type isn't array, string, or securestring, DSC raises an error.

If this property is defined with the minLength property, this property must be greater than minLength. If it isn't, DSC raises an error.

Type:         int
Required:     false
MinimumValue: 0


The minValue property defines a validation option for integer parameters. If the default value or runtime value for the parameter is less than this property, DSC raises an error. If this property is defined for parameters whose type isn't int, DSC raises an error.

If this property is defined with the maxValue property, this property must be less than maxValue. If it isn't, DSC raises an error.

Type:     int
Required: false


The maxValue property defines a validation option for integer parameters. If the default value or runtime value for the parameter is greater than this property, DSC raises an error. If this property is defined for parameters whose type isn't int, DSC raises an error.

If this property is defined with the minValue property, this property must be greater than minValue. If it isn't, DSC raises an error.

Type:     int
Required: false