Manage users with Microsoft Entra PowerShell

Users are the representation of a Microsoft Entra work or school user account or a personal Microsoft account in Microsoft Entra ID. The user resource in Microsoft Entra PowerShell is the representation of a user, and includes relationships and resources that are relevant to the user.

The user resource provides a straightforward way for you to access and manipulate user resources without having to perform extra calls, look up specific authentication information, and directly issue queries against other Microsoft Entra PowerShell objects.


To manage users with Microsoft Entra PowerShell, you need:

You can access a user's information and manage their data on their behalf or as an app with its own identity.

Manage users in your organization

To manage users, you can perform the following common user management tasks:

Create and delete users

  1. Create a new user using the UserPrincipalName parameter.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All'
    $PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile
    $PasswordProfile.Password = '<Strong-Password>'
    $userParams = @{
        DisplayName = 'New User'
        PasswordProfile = $PasswordProfile
        UserPrincipalName = ''
        AccountEnabled = $true
        MailNickName = 'NewUser'
    New-EntraUser @userParams
    ageGroup                        :
    onPremisesLastSyncDateTime      :
    creationType                    :
    imAddresses                     : {}
    preferredLanguage               :
    mail                            :
    securityIdentifier              : S-1-12-1-2222222222-3333333333-4444444444-5555555555
    identities                      : {@{signInType=userPrincipalName;;}}
    consentProvidedForMinor         :
    onPremisesUserPrincipalName     :
    assignedLicenses                : {}
  2. Delete a user.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All'
    Remove-EntraUser -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'

List a user's group memberships

  1. List a user’s group memberships.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.Read.All','AuditLog.Read.All'
    Get-EntraUserMembership -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
    Id                                   DeletedDateTime
    --                                   ---------------

Get a user's manager, direct reports and assign a manager to a user

  1. Get a user's manager.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.Read.All','AuditLog.Read.All'
    Get-EntraUserManager -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
    ageGroup                        :
    onPremisesLastSyncDateTime      :
    creationType                    :
    imAddresses                     : {}
    preferredLanguage               :
    mail                            :
    securityIdentifier              : S-1-12-1-2222222222-3333333333-4444444444-5555555555
    identities                      : {@{signInType=userPrincipalName;;}}
    consentProvidedForMinor         :
    onPremisesUserPrincipalName     :
  2. List the users who report to a specific user.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.Read.All','AuditLog.Read.All'
    Get-EntraUserDirectReport -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
    ageGroup                        :
    onPremisesLastSyncDateTime      :
    creationType                    :
    imAddresses                     : {}
    preferredLanguage               :
    mail                            :
    securityIdentifier              : S-1-12-1-2222222222-3333333333-4444444444-5555555555
    identities                      : {@{signInType=userPrincipalName;;}}
    consentProvidedForMinor         :
    onPremisesUserPrincipalName     :
    assignedLicenses                : {@{disabledPlans=System.Object[]; skuId=0a0a0a0a-1111-bbbb-2222-3c3c3c3c3c3c}, @{disabledPlans=System.Object[]; skuId=1b1b1b1b-2222-cccc-3333-4d4d4d4d4d4d},
                                    @{disabledPlans=System.Object[]; skuId=2c2c2c2c-3333-dddd-4444-5e5e5e5e5e5e}}
  3. Assign a manager to a user.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All'
    $params = @{
        ObjectId = 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
        RefObjectId = 'bbbbbbbb-1111-2222-3333-cccccccccccc'
    Set-EntraUserManager @params
    • -ObjectId - specifies the unique identifier (ID) of the user who have their manager set or updated.

    • -RefObjectId - specifies the unique ID of the user who is to be set as the manager.

Upload or retrieve a photo for the user

  1. Upload a photo for a user.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All'
    $photoParams = @{
        ObjectId = 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
        FilePath = 'D:\UserThumbnailPhoto.jpg'
    Set-EntraUserThumbnailPhoto @photoParams

    This example sets the thumbnail photo of the user specified with the ObjectId parameter to the image specified with the FilePath parameter.

  2. Retrieve a user’s photo.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'ProfilePhoto.Read.All'
    Get-EntraUserThumbnailPhoto -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'

    This example demonstrates how to retrieve the thumbnail photo of a user that is specified through the value of the ObjectId parameter.

Grant users administrative roles in your organization

Grant a user an administrative role.

Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All', 'RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory'
$roleMemberParams = @{
    ObjectId = 'cccccccc-2222-3333-4444-dddddddddddd'
    RefObjectId = 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'

Add-EntraDirectoryRoleMember @roleMemberParams

This command adds a user to a Microsoft Entra role. To retrieve roles, use the command Get-EntraDirectoryRole.

  • -ObjectId - specifies the unique identifier (ObjectId) of the directory role to which you want to add a member.

  • -RefObjectId - specifies the unique identifier (ObjectId) of the user, group, or service principal that you want to add as a member of the specified directory role.

Work with user licenses

  1. Get details of a user's licenses.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All'
    Get-EntraUserLicenseDetail -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
    Id                                          SkuId                                SkuPartNumber
    --                                          -----                                -------------
    ouL7hgqFM0GkdqXrzahI4u7E6wa1G91HgSARMkvFTgY 06ebc4ee-1bb5-47dd-8120-11324bc54e06 SPE_E5
  2. Assign a license to a user based on a template user.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All', 'Organization.Read.All','AuditLog.Read.all'
    $User = Get-EntraUser -ObjectId 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb'  
    $License = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicense 
    $License.SkuId = (Get-EntraSubscribedSku | Where SkuPartNumber -eq 'FLOW_FREE').SkuId
    $Licenses = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.AssignedLicenses 
    $Licenses.AddLicenses = $License 
    Set-EntraUserLicense -ObjectId $User.ObjectId -AssignedLicenses $Licenses

    This example shows how to assign a FLOW_FREE license to a user with ObjectId aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb.

Next steps