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Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8

This topic lists the Windows PowerShell modules included with Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. The Windows PowerShell modules in the list support automating the features of those operating systems and provide links to the cmdlet references for each module. These modules enable you to use Windows PowerShell to administer, maintain, configure, and develop new features for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8.

For information about the core features common to all versions of Windows PowerShell, see Windows PowerShell Core.

The table below also shows the latest published version of the Help for each module. The Help is available through the links below, or as Updatable Help files. Updatable Help was introduced with Windows PowerShell 3.0 and enables you to have the latest Help topics available locally on your computer. See about_Updatable_Help for more information.

Windows PowerShell features

Module Name (sorted by) Title and link to Web version
ActiveDirectory AD DS Administration Cmdlets
ADCSAdministration AD CS Administration Cmdlets
ADCSDeployment AD CS Deployment Cmdlets
ADDSDeployment AD DS Deployment Cmdlets
ADFS AD FS Cmdlets
ADRMS AD RMS Deployment Cmdlets
ADRMSAdmin AD RMS Administration Cmdlets
Applocker AppLocker Cmdlets
AppX App Installation Cmdlets
BestPractices Best Practices Analyzer Cmdlets
BitLocker BitLocker Cmdlets
BranchCache BranchCache Cmdlets
ClusterAwareUpdating Cluster-Aware Updating Cmdlets
DcbQoS Data Center Bridging (DCB) Quality of Service (QoS) Cmdlets
Deduplication Deduplication Cmdlets
DhcpServer DHCP Cmdlets
DirectAccessClientComponents DirectAccess Client Cmdlets
Dism DISM Cmdlets
DnsClient DNS Client Cmdlets
DnsServer DNS Server Cmdlets
FailoverClusters Failover Clusters Cmdlets
FileServerResourceManager FSRM Cmdlets
GroupPolicy Group Policy Cmdlets
Hyper-V Hyper-V Cmdlets
International International Settings Cmdlets
IpamServer IPAM Cmdlets
iScsi iSCSI Cmdlets
iScsiTarget iSCSI Target Cmdlets
KDS KDS Cmdlets
MMAgent Memory Management Agent (MMAgent) Cmdlets
Mpio MultiPath I/O (MPIO) Cmdlets
MsDtc Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) Cmdlets
MSOnlineBackup Windows Azure Backup Cmdlets
MsMq MSMQ Cmdlets
NetAdapter Network Adapter Cmdlets
NetConnection Network Connection Profile Cmdlets
NetLBFO NIC Teaming (NetLBFO) Cmdlets
NetQoS Network Quality of Service (QoS) Cmdlets
NetSecurity Network Security Cmdlets
NetSwitchTeam Network Switch Team Cmdlets
NetTcpip Net TCP/IP Cmdlets
NetWnv NetWNV Cmdlets
NetworkConnectivity Network Connectivity Status Cmdlets
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters Network Load Balancing Cmdlets
NetworkTransition Network Transition Cmdlets
NFS NFS Cmdlets
NPS NPS Cmdlets
PKI PKI Client Cmdlets
PrintManagement Print Management Cmdlets
RemoteAccess Remote Access Cmdlets
RemoteDesktop Remote Desktop Cmdlets
ScheduledTasks Scheduled Tasks Cmdlets
SecureBoot Secure Boot Cmdlets
ServerCore Server Core Cmdlets
ServerManager Server Manager Cmdlets
ServerManagerTasks Server Manager Tasks Cmdlets
ServerMig_Cmdlets Server Migration Cmdlets
SMBShare SMB Share Cmdlets
SMBWitness SMB Witness Cmdlets
SMISConfig SMI-S Cmdlets
Storage Storage Cmdlets
TroubleshootingPack Troubleshooting Pack (TP) Cmdlets
TrustedPlatformModule Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Cmdlets
UpdateServices Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Cmdlets
UserAccessLogging User Access Logging (UAL) Cmdlets
VPNClient VPN Client Cmdlets
WDAC Windows Data Access Components (WDAC) Cmdlets
WebAdministration Web Server (IIS) Administration Cmdlets
WasPSExt Windows Assessment Services Cmdlets
WindowsDeveloperLicense Windows Developer License Cmdlets
WindowsErrorReporting Windows Error Reporting Cmdlets
WindowsServerBackup Windows Server Backup Cmdlets
WSSCmdlets Windows Server Backup Cmdlets

You can also find these modules by searching the PowerShell Module Browser.