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Migrating IPv6.exe Commands to Netsh Command

Writer: Joe Davies

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for Windows XP and Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SP1) includes the Ipv6.exe tool, which is used to configure the IPv6 protocol. Ipv6.exe commands are being replaced with commands in the netsh interface ipv6 and netsh interface ipv6 isatap contexts. Because the Ipv6.exe tool will not be included in the Windows Server 2003 family, scripts that contain Ipv6.exe commands should be updated with the appropriate Netsh commands.

The following table lists all the Ipv6.exe commands and equivalent Netsh commands.

Details on this benchmark:

Ipv6.exe Command

Netsh Equivalent

ipv6 install

netsh interface ipv6 install

ipv6 uninstall

netsh interface ipv6 uninstall

ipv6 [-v] if [IfIndex]

netsh interface ipv6 show interface
[[interface=]String] [[level=]{normal |
verbose}] [[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 ifcr v6v4 V4Src V4Dst [nd] [pmld]

netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel
[[neighbordiscovery=]{enabled |
disabled}] [[store=]{active |

ipv6 ifcr 6over4 V4Src

netsh interface ipv6 add 6over4tunnel
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 ifc IfIndex {[forwards] | [-
forwards]} {[advertises] | [-
advertises]} [mtu #Bytes] [site

netsh interface ipv6 set interface
[[forwarding=]{enabled | disabled}]
[[advertise=]{enabled | disabled}]
[[mtu=]Integer] [[siteid=]Integer]
[[metric=]Integer] [[store=]{active |

ipv6 ifd IfIndex

netsh interface ipv6 delete interface
[[interface=]String] [[store=]{active |

ipv6 adu IfIndex/Address [life
ValidLifetime[/PrefLifetime]] [anycast]

netsh interface ipv6 add address
[[type=]{unicast | anycast}]
[[validlifetime=]{Integer | infinite}]
[[preferredlifetime=]{Integer |
infinite}] [[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 nc [IfIndex [Address]]

netsh interface ipv6 show neighbors

ipv6 ncf [IfIndex [Address]]

netsh interface ipv6 delete neighbors

ipv6 rc [IfIndex [Address]]

netsh interface ipv6 show
destinationcache [[interface=]String]

ipv6 rcf [IfIndex [Address]]

netsh interface ipv6 delete
destinationcache [[interface=]String]

ipv6 bc

netsh interface ipv6 show

ipv6 [-v] rt

netsh interface ipv6 show routes
[[level=]{normal | verbose}]
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 rtu Prefix IfIndex[/Address]
[lifetime Valid[/Preferred]] [preference
P] [publish] [age] [spl SitePrefixLength]

netsh interface ipv6 add route
[[metric=]Integer] [[publish=]{no | yes
| immortal}] [[validlifetime=]{Integer |
infinite}] [[preferredlifetime=]{Integer
| infinite}] [[store=]{active |

ipv6 spt

netsh interface ipv6 show siteprefixes

ipv6 spu Prefix IfIndex [life L]

netsh interface ipv6 add route
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 gp

netsh interface ipv6 show global
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu DefaultCurHopLimit

netsh interface ipv6 set global
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu UseAnonymousAddresses

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy
[[state=]{enabled | disabled}]
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu MaxAnonDADAttempts

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu MaxAnonLifetime

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu AnonRegenerateTime

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy
[[store=]{active> | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu MaxAnonRandomTime

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu AnonRandomTime

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu NeighborCacheLimit

netsh interface ipv6 set global
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 [-p] gpu RouteCacheLimit

netsh interface ipv6 set global
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 ppt

netsh interface ipv6 show prefixpolicy
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 ppu Prefix precedence
PrecedenceValue srclabel
SourceLabelValue [dstlabel

netsh interface ipv6 add prefixpolicy
[[store=]{active | persistent}]

ipv6 renew [IfIndex]

netsh interface ipv6 renew