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General, HTML/XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box

These options make it possible for you to set statement completion, text wrapping, and URL handling preferences for the HTML view markup editor. To access these settings in the Options dialog box, expand the Text Editor node, select HTML/XML, and choose General.

To open the Options dialog box, select Options from the Tools menu. These settings supplement the settings available under HTML Designer.

Statement Completion

Selecting either or both of these options activates automatic statement completion in the HTML Designer.

Note   The items listed in statement completion pop-ups reflect the targetSchema property set for your Web page. Only those items that can be used in the target browser are listed.

  • Auto list members
    When selected, pop-up lists of valid tags, keywords, values, methods, or properties are displayed as you edit markup in HTML view. Select any option from the pop-up list to insert it into your code.
  • Hide advanced members
    When selected, shortens the pop-up lists of items you can insert, and displays only the items most commonly used.
  • Parameter information
    When selected, lists of valid parameters are displayed as you edit HTML markup and SCRIPT declarations in HTML view. The complete syntax for the selected element or declaration appears to the left of the insertion point, including all of its available parameters. The parameter in bold is the current HTML attribute or property, or the next portion of the declaration to be inserted.


  • Enable virtual space
    When selected, spaces are inserted at the end of each line of code. Select this option to position comments at a consistent point on the right of your markup.

  • Word wrap
    When selected, text that extends beyond the limit of the viewable area will automatically be displayed on the next line.

    Note   Enabling word wrap can make it easier to edit HTML markup. However, word wrap can also make it more difficult to identify individual lines of code.


  • Line numbers
    When selected, a line number appears beside each line of code in HTML view. These numbers are for reference and navigational purposes only; they do not print.

  • Enable single-click URL navigation
    When selected, the mouse cursor will change to a pointing hand as it passes over a URL in Design view of the HTML Designer. This makes it possible for you to click the URL to open the Web site named in your Web browser. When this option is not selected, the cursor does not change as it passes over URLs, and clicking a URL does not open the Web site named.

  • Navigation bar
    When selected, the Objects and Events lists are displayed at the top of HTML view in the HTML Designer. When you select an object from the Objects on the left, the Events pop-up on the right lists the available events for the object named. Select an event to insert a new script function into your page that will run when the object receives this event.

See Also

HTML Designer | Tabs, HTML/XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box | Format, HTML/XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box | HTML Specific, HTML/XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box | XML Specific, HTML/XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box | General, HTML Designer, Options Dialog Box | Display, HTML Designer, Options Dialog Box