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COM Components, Customize Toolbox Dialog Box

This tab of the Customize Toolbox dialog box displays a list of all COM components registered on your machine and makes it possible for you to change the ones that are displayed in the Toolbox. You can open the Customize Toolbox dialog box from the Tools menu. To sort the list of components, select any column heading.

The COM Components tab includes the following columns of information:

  • Name
    Displays the names of available components. Preceding each name is a check box. When selected, a check box indicates that the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) has found an entry for the component in your machine's registry. The component is either already displayed on the active Toolbox tab, or will be added to it when you choose OK. If cleared, a check box indicates that the component is not currently displayed in the Toolbox, or that it will be removed from the Toolbox when you choose OK.
  • Path
    Displays the full path to the component. To identify the default components that shipped with the product, sort on this column and then locate those stored on the Visual Studio installation path.
  • Library
    Displays the name of the library that includes the component.
  • Last Modified
    Displays the date when the component was last modified.

See Also

Customize Toolbox Dialog Box | .NET Framework Components, Customize Toolbox Dialog Box | Toolbox | Using the Toolbox | Managing Tabs and Items in the Toolbox | How Policy Affects the Toolbox