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Customize Toolbox Dialog Box

The Customize Toolbox dialog box displays tabbed lists of components that are recognized on your machine. Use the Customize Toolbox dialog box to add controls to the Toolbox or remove controls from it. To open this dialog box, select Add/Remove Toolbox Items from the Tools menu.

Note   The Customize Toolbox dialog box replaces the Components dialog box in previous versions of Visual Basic, and the Customize dialog box in previous versions of Visual C++.

To sort a list of controls displayed on a tab of the Customize Toolbox, select any column head. To add a control to the active Toolbox tab, select the check box beside it. To remove a control, clear its check box. When you choose OK, the controls selected will be added and those cleared will be removed.

The Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) adds the following tabbed lists of components to the Customize Toolbox dialog box:

Because the Customize Toolbox dialog box is extensible, other applications also can add tabbed lists of components they provide.

The following controls are available at the bottom of each tab:

  • Control Description Pane
    Displays an item's development language and version, and its Toolbox icon.

  • Browse Button
    Displays the Browse dialog box, so that you can select items available on your machine or network that are not yet recognized on your machine. When you select an item it becomes available for use, and its check box is selected on the Customize Toolbox tab.

  • OK Button
    Adds those items you have checked to the active tab of the Toolbox, and removes those items whose check boxes you have cleared.

  • Reset Button
    Selecting Yes restores the Toolbox to the state it was in when Visual Studio .NET was first launched. All subsequent customizations, including any additions, deletions, renaming, or reordering of tabs or the items on them, are undone. The integrated development environment (IDE) restores the default Toolbox tabs, displays the default tools available on them in their original positions, and removes any added tabs or items. In the Customize Toolbox dialog box, the check boxes for the default controls on the COM Components and .NET Framework Components tabs are reselected, and those for all other controls are cleared.

    Caution   Selecting Yes removes any added Toolbox tabs or items, and restores all default tabs and items to their original positions.

For more information, see Using the Toolbox, Managing Tabs and Items in the Toolbox, and How Policy Affects the Toolbox.

See Also

Toolbox | General Tab, Toolbox | Clipboard Ring Tab, Toolbox | HTML Tab, Toolbox | Web Forms Tab, Toolbox | Dialog Editor Tab, Toolbox Window