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Windows Media Player 11 SDK album.csvĀ 

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This file contains an entry for each album included in the catalog. Each entry is a row composed of the tab-delimited fields described in the table below. Fields must appear in the order listed.

All fields in album.csv are required.

The Format column in the table below describes the way each Unicode text field is formatted. It does not refer to the data type of the contents. For example, if Integer is indicated in the Format column, it means that the field contains a Unicode string representing an integral value, rather than an actual integer.

Field Format Description
AlbumID Non-negative integer.

Example: 789456

Identifier for the album, unique within album.csv. Must be less than 2^32.
AlbumName Unicode string.

Example: Greatest Hits

Album title
AlbumArtist Non-negative integer.

Example: 34331

ArtistID of the artist. Only one value is allowed. Can be the ID of "Various Artists" or similar.
AlbumLabel Unicode string. Should be empty. Not used in this release. Should be empty.
ReleaseDate Unicode string, in format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example: 2005-0-0

Release date. The value 0 is allowed for day or month.
AlbumPrice Unicode string

Example: $12.49

Album price. The currency symbol should be included. The empty string, 0, and - have special meaning. An empty string indicates an unknown price. '0' indicates that the track is free. A hyphen ('-') indicates that the album cannot be purchased.
LinkedGenreID Non-negative integer.

Example: 12

ID of primary genre for the album. Only one value is allowed.
LinkedSubGenreIDs Format: n;n;n;

Example: 32;44;663;

List of associated subgenre IDs. A trailing semicolon is allowed at the end of the list.
Popularity Can be non-negative integer or decimal value.

Example: 1256.24

Popularity rating determined by the service. Can be the ranking of this album in the list of albums sorted by popularity. 0 is allowed.
IsRecentlyAdded Boolean. Can be 0 or 1. Flag to indicate that the album was recently added, as determined by the service.
IsFeatured Boolean. Can be 0 or 1. Flag to indicate that this is a featured album.
EditorialGlyph Non-negative integer. Should be 0. Not used is release. Should be 0.
FeedsAreAvailable Boolean. Can be 0 or 1. Not used in this release. Should be 0.
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