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Windows Media Player 11 SDK track.csvĀ 

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This file contains an entry for each track in the catalog. Each entry is a row composed of the tab-delimited fields described in the table below. Fields must appear in the order listed.

The Format column in the table below describes the way each Unicode text field is formatted. It does not refer to the data type of the contents. For example, if Integer is indicated in the Format column, it means that the field contains a Unicode string representing an integral value, rather than an actual integer.

Field Required Format Description
TrackID Yes Non-negative integer.

Example: 32789

Unique identifier provided by the content provider. Must be less than 2^32.

Performance tip: If the IDs assigned to tracks from the same album are numbered consecutively, catalog compression will be more efficient. However, consecutive numbering of album tracks is not required.

TrackTitle Yes Unicode string. Example: Raygun Robbers' Blues Name of the track.
Duration Yes Non-negative integer.

Example: 543

Duration of the track in seconds.
TrackNumber Yes Non-negative integer.

Example: 7

Track number on the track's album. Track numbers begin at 1 and increase across disc sets. The track number must be less than 256. A track number greater than or equal to 256 will cause unexpected behavior in Windows Media Player.
TrackPrice Yes Unicode string. Example: $0.99. Track price. The currency symbol should be included. The empty string, 0, and - have special meaning. An empty string indicates that the price is unknown. A zero in this field means the track is free, and a hyphen (-) indicates that the track cannot be bought.
CanStream Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1.

Example: 0

Indicates whether the track can be streamed.
CanDownload Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1.

Example: 0

Indicates whether the track can be downloaded.
HasPreviewClip Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1.

Example: 0

Indicates whether the track has a preview clip.
HasVideoClip Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1.

Example: 0

Indicates whether the track has a video clip.
ParentalRating Yes Enumeration. Can be N, E, or C.

Example: N

Indicates the Parental Advisory Rating. The values N, E, and C stand for Normal, Explicit, and Clean.
LinkedAlbumID Yes Non-negative integer. Must be the ID of an Album. Example: 32423 The ID of the album that contains this track.

Note  Every track must belong to an album. That is, for each track, the LinkedAlbumID field must be equal to one of the album IDs in the album.csv file.

LinkedTrackArtist_ArtistIDs Yes List of integers. The list contains artist IDs, separated by semicolons. Example: 41322;12321; 82123; A list of IDs corresponding to the contributing artists.
Composer No Unicode string. Example: Beethoven The composer of the track. If the track's genre does not have the HasComposer field set, the value of the Composer field will be ignored. Typically used only for jazz or classical tracks.
Popularity Yes Non-negative integer or Float.

Example: 1252.6

Determines the position of the track in the list when sorted by popularity. A lower number indicates higher popularity.
StarRating No Float.

Example: 4.21

The star rating will be rounded to the nearest 1/4 star by Windows Media Player before being displayed in the Windows Media Player user interface.
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