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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Color Element 

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Color Element

Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The Color element specifies the background color for online store navigation buttons, button text, and the Features taskbar.


    MediaPlayer = "#
    MediaPlayerText = "#


MediaPlayer (required)

Hexadecimal RGB color value. Specifies the background color for buttons and the taskbar.

MediaPlayerText (required)

Hexadecimal RGB color value. Specifies the color for the button text.

Parent/Child Elements

Hierarchy Element
Parent elements ServiceInfo
Child elements None


The default value for MediaPlayer is #7C9AD6. The default value for MediaPlayerText is #FFFFFF.

Be sure to use colors that make it easy for the user to read the button text. For example, you should avoid using white button text on light colored buttons.


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

See Also

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