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Windows Media Player 11 SDK BuyCD Element 

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BuyCD Element

Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The BuyCD element specifies the URLs for Web pages that Windows Media Player displays when the user chooses to make a purchase.


    MediaPlayerURL = "
    MediaCenterURL = "
    BrowserURL = "


MediaPlayerURL (required)

URL for the Web page that the online store displays to offer a CD or DVD for purchase in Windows Media Player.


URL for the Web page the online store displays to offer a CD or DVD for purchase in Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 Update.


URL for the Web page that the online store displays to offer a CD or DVD for purchase in a separate browser window. This URL is also used by Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later for the Shop for music online feature.

Parent/Child Elements

Hierarchy Element
Parent elements ServiceInfo
Child elements None


When the user clicks a button or link in Windows Media Player to purchase a CD or DVD, the Player sends the URL request to ServiceTask1 with parameters attached using a question mark (?) query string separator. The following table details the parameters sent with the URL request. Others may be present for legacy compatibility purposes.

Name Value
Album Value of the WM/AlbumTitle attribute for the media item.
Artist Value of the WM/AlbumArtist attribute, if one exists, or else the value of the Author attribute for the media item.
geoid Windows geographical location ID. The location ID is specified by the user in the Location area of the Regional and Language Options settings in Control Panel.
locale Windows Media Player locale ID.
Title Value of the Title attribute for the media item.
UFID Value of the WM/UniqueFileIdentifier attribute for the media item.
userlocale Windows locale ID. The locale is specified by the user in the Standards and Formats area of the Regional and Language Options settings in Control Panel.
version Windows Media Player version number using the following format: 10.0.x.xxxx or 11.0.x.xxxx.

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 provides users with a user interface designed to be viewed at a distance. You should create Web pages for the MediaCenterURL parameter to be viewed on large displays.


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

See Also

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