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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPContentPartner::GetTemplateĀ 

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Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The GetTemplate method retrieves the URL of the discovery page to be displayed when the library view changes in Windows Media Player.


  HRESULT GetTemplate(
  WMPTaskType  task,
  BSTR  location,
  VARIANT*  pContext,
  BSTR  clickLocation,
  VARIANT*  pClickContext,
  BSTR  bstrFilter,
  BSTR  bstrViewParams,
  BSTR*  pbstrTemplateURL,
  WMPTemplateSize*  pTemplateSize



[in]  A member of the WMPTaskType enumeration that specifies the active task pane.


[in]  A library location constant that specifies the type of library view the user is currently seeing. For example, the constant g_szCPListID specifies that the user is viewing a pane that shows a particular playlist.


[in]  The ID of the specific item the user is currently seeing. For example, if location is g_szCPListID, then this parameter specifies the ID of the particular playlist that the user is seeing.


[in]  A library location constant that specifies the type of item the user has selected. For example, the constant g_szCPTrackID specifies that the user has selected a particular music track.


[in]  The ID of the particular item the user has selected. For example, if clickLocation is g_szCPTrackID, then this parameter specifies the ID of the particular track that the user has selected.


[in]  The filter for the current library view. This is the text that the user entered in the Player's word wheel control.


[in]  Parameters, meaningful only to the online store, associated with the new library location. See Remarks.


[out]  Address of a BSTR that receives the URL of the discovery page to display.


[out]  Receives a member of the WMPTemplateSize enumeration that indicates the size of the template in which the Player will display the discovery page.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


Windows Media Player calls this method when the view changes in the Library, Sync, or Burn pane. The Player also calls this method when one of those three panes becomes active. The pane or view can change as a result of user navigation or as the result of a call from the discovery page.

When the discovery page calls External.changeView, it sets the ViewParams parameter to whatever context it wants to associate with the new view. Windows Media Player passes that context along to the plug-in in the bstrViewParams parameter of GetTemplate.

When the discovery page calls External.changeViewOnlineList, it sets the Params parameter to whatever context it wants to associate with the new view. Windows Media Player passes that context along to the plug-in in the bstrViewParams parameter of GetTemplate.

If the view changes as a result of user navigation, Windows Media Player sets the bstrParams parameter to NULL when it calls GetTemplate.

Windows Media Player calls GetTemplate to retrieve the URL of the discovery page that it should display in the new view. The Player also receives a WMPTemplateSize value that indicates what portion of the new view should be occupied by the discovery page.


Version: Windows Media Player 11

Header: contentpartner.h

See Also

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