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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPControls3 Interface 

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IWMPControls3 Interface

The IWMPControls3 interface provides methods that supplement the IWMPControls2 interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IWMPControls2, the IWMPControls3 interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_audioLanguageCount Retrieves the count of supported audio languages.
get_currentAudioLanguage Retrieves the locale identifier (LCID) of the audio language for playback.
get_currentAudioLanguageIndex Retrieves the one-based index that corresponds to the audio language for playback.
get_currentPositionTimecode Retrieves the current position in the current media using a time code format. This property supports SMPTE time code.
getAudioLanguageDescription Retrieves the description for the audio language corresponding to the specified one-based index.
getAudioLanguageID Retrieves the LCID for a specified audio language index.
getLanguageName Retrieves the name of the audio language with the specified LCID.
put_currentAudioLanguage Specifies the LCID of the audio language for playback.
put_currentAudioLanguageIndex Specifies the one-based index that corresponds to the audio language for playback.
put_currentPositionTimecode Specifies the current position in the current media using SMPTE time code format.

Retrieve a pointer to an IWMPControls3 interface by calling the QueryInterface method of an IWMPControls interface.

See Also

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