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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPControls Interface 

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IWMPControls Interface

The IWMPControls interface provides a way to manipulate the playback of a media item.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMPControls interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
fastForward Starts fast play of the media item in the forward direction.
fastReverse Starts fast play of the media item in the reverse direction.
get_currentItem Retrieves the current media item.
get_currentMarker Retrieves the current marker number.
get_currentPosition Retrieves the current position in the media item in seconds from the beginning.
get_currentPositionString Retrieves the current position in the media item as a string.
get_isAvailable Retrieves a value indicating whether a specified type of information is available or a given action can be performed.
next Sets the current item to the next item in the playlist.
pause Pauses playback of the media item.
play Begins playback of the media item.
playItem Begins playback of the current media item, or resumes playback of a paused item.
previous Sets the current item to the previous item in the playlist.
put_currentItem Specifies the current media item.
put_currentMarker Specifies the current marker number.
put_currentPosition Specifies the current position in the media item in seconds from the beginning.
stop Stops playback of the media item.

Retrieve a pointer to an IWMPControls interface with the following method.

Interface Method
IWMPCore get_controls.

See Also

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