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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPPlayer::get_uiModeĀ 

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The get_uiMode method retrieves a value indicating which controls are shown in the user interface.


  HRESULT get_uiMode(
  BSTR*  pbstrMode



[out]  Pointer to a BSTR containing one of the following values.

Value Description Audio example Video example
invisible Windows Media Player is embedded without any visible user interface (controls, video, or visualization window). (Nothing is displayed.) (Nothing is displayed.)
none Windows Media Player is embedded without controls, and with only the video or visualization window displayed. uiMode="none" with audio uiMode="none" with video
mini Windows Media Player is embedded with the status window, play/pause, stop, mute, and volume controls shown in addition to the video or visualization window. uiMode="mini" with audio uiMode="mini" with video
full Default. Windows Media Player is embedded with the status window, seek bar, play/pause, stop, mute, next, previous, fast forward, fast reverse, and volume controls in addition to the video or visualization window. uiMode="full" with audio uiMode="full" with video
custom Windows Media Player is embedded with a custom user interface. Can only be used in C++ programs. (Custom user interface is displayed.) (Custom user interface is displayed.)

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


This method retrieves the appearance of the embedded Windows Media Player. When the BSTR retrieved from get_uiMode is "none", "mini", or "full", a window is present for the display of video clips and audio visualizations. This window can be hidden in mini or full mode by setting the height attribute of the OBJECT tag to 40, which is measured from the bottom, and leaves the controls portion of the user interface visible. If no embedded interface is desired, set both the width and height attributes to zero.

If the BSTR retrieved from get_uiMode is "invisible", no user interface is displayed, but space is still reserved on the page as specified by width and height. This is useful for retaining page layout whenever the UI mode changes. Additionally, the reserved space is transparent, so any elements layered behind the control will be visible.

If the BSTR retrieved from get_uiMode is "full" or "mini", Windows Media Player displays transport controls in full-screen mode. If the BSTR retrieved from get_uiMode is "none", no controls are displayed in full-screen mode.

If the window is visible and audio content is being played, the visualization displayed will be the one most recently used in Windows Media Player.

If the BSTR retrieved from get_uiMode is "custom" in a C++ program that implements IWMPRemoteMediaServices, the skin file indicated by IWMPRemoteMediaServices::GetCustomUIMode is displayed.

During full-screen playback, Windows Media Player hides the mouse cursor when the VARIANT_BOOL received from IWMPPlayer::get_enableContextMenu equals FALSE and the BSTR received from get_uiMode equals "none".

Windows Media Player 10 Mobile: This method only retrieves a BSTR set to "none" or "full". On Smartphone devices, only playback status and a counter are displayed when uiMode is set to "full".


Version: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later.

Header: Include wmp.h.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

See Also

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