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Windows Media Player 11 SDK listitem.csvĀ 

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This file contains entries for each item that is included in a list. Each entry is a row composed of the tab-delimited fields described in the table below. Fields must appear in the order listed.

All fields are required.

The Format column in the table below describes the way each Unicode text field is formatted. It does not refer to the data type of the contents. For example, if Integer is indicated in the Format column, it means that the field contains a Unicode string representing an integral value, rather than an actual integer.

Field Format Description
Linked_ListID Non-negative integer.

Example: 465

The ID of the list this item is part of.
Linked_ListItem Non-negative integer.

Example: 684793

The ID of the item. Can be the ID of a track, an album, an artist, a genre, a subgenre, a radio feed, or another list.
ItemPositionInList Non-negative integer.

Example: 5

The position of the item within its list. The first item in a list is at position 0.
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