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Windows Media Player 11 SDK radio.csvĀ 

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This file contains entries for each radio feed included in the catalog. Each entry is a row composed of the tab-delimited fields described in the table below. Fields must appear in the order listed.

The Format column in the table below describes the way each Unicode text field is formatted. It does not refer to the data type of the contents. For example, if Integer is indicated in the Format column, it means that the field contains a Unicode string representing an integral value, rather than an actual integer.

Field Required Format Description
RadioID Yes Non-negative integer. ID for the radio feed that is unique within radio.csv.
RadioTitle Yes Unicode string.

Example: Essential Hits

Radio feed title.
RadioSubtitle No Unicode string. Example: Top 40. Radio feed subtitle. Often a genre or subgenre name.
Programmer Yes Unicode string. Example: Terri Lee Duffy Name of the radio feed programmer. It is recommended that this field not exceed 32 characters.
PrimaryGenre Yes Non-negative integer. The ID of the primary genre. Only one value is allowed.
Mood Yes Unicode string.

Example: Fun; amiable; energetic; stylish; exuberant

A series of adjectives that describe the music. No trailing semicolon after the last adjective.
Category Yes Unicode string Not used in this release. Should be empty.
Description No Unicode string.

Example: Upbeat party-friendly music from the tried-and-true artists who won't disappoint.

Friendly description for display in property pages. It is recommended that this field not exceed 256 characters.
Popularity Yes Non-negative integer or decimal value.

Example: 31

Popularity ranking among radio feeds. Can be 0.
StarRating No Float.

Example: 3.21

Optional. The value, typically between 0 and 5, is rounded to the nearest 1/4 for display in the user interface.
IsSubscriptionOnly Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1. Indicates whether the feed is available by subscription only.
IsRecentlyAdded Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1. Indicates whether this feed was recently added.
IsFeatured Yes Boolean. Can be 0 or 1. Indicates whether the feed is featured.
EditorialGlyph Yes Non-negative integer. Should be 0. Not used in this release. Should be 0.
SortOrderRank Yes Non-negative integer. Can be used to the determine sort order when all stations are listed in the user interface. Should be 0 if this field is not used.
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