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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Setting the Initial Online StoreĀ 

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Setting the Initial Online Store

For details about redistributing Windows Media Player software with your application, see Redistributing Windows Media Player Software.

When a user first installs Windows Media Player, the setup application sets the initial active online store to a default chosen by Microsoft. Personal computer original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can choose to change this setting.

To specify and configure the first online store that the user sees when he or she installs Windows Media Player, you must:

  • Create a ServiceInfo document that you install on the user's hard disk. This document contains the information about how to configure the initial active online store.
  • Append a set of command-line parameters when running the setup application.

There are three scenarios for installing Windows Media Player and setting the initial online store. The following sections provide more details about each scenario:

See Also

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