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Shortcut Keys

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Shortcut keys are available on Windows Mobile–based Pocket PCs when a hardware keyboard is present.

Windows Mobile-Based Smartphones do not support shortcut keys; however, certain commands are labeled numerically to provide a user with a shortcut for activating the command.

The functionality of the shortcut keys in your application should be consistent with shortcut keys in other applications to ensure a consistent user experience. Do not display shortcut keys on menus; they are features for advanced users and may add clutter to the user interface.

The following table lists the shortcut keys used for common commands.

Shortcut key Control
CTRL + A Select All
CTRL + B Bold
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + I Italics
CTRL + N New
CTRL + Q Exit
CTRL + S Save
CTRL + U Underline
CTRL + V Paste
CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + Y Redo
CTRL + Z Undo

See Also

User Interface Control Guidelines | Mnemonics

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