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Calendar Property ID's

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The following table contains the set of property identifiers shared by Appointment and Meeting objects.

Property ID Type Value String name for queries Description
PIMPR_DURATION CEVT_UI4 0x1040 Duration The Appointment's duration.
PIMPR_LOCATION CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0041 Location The Appointment's location.
PIMPR_START CEVT_FILETIME 0x1042 Start The Appointment's starting time.
PIMPR_END CEVT_FILETIME 0x1043 End The Appointment's ending time.
PIMPR_ALL_DAY_EVENT CEVT_BOOL 0x0044 AllDayEvent A Boolean value indicating whether this Appointment is an all-day event.
PIMPR_BUSY_STATUS CEVT_UI4 0x0045 BusyStatus The Appointment's status.
PIMPR_REMINDER_MINUTES_BEFORE_START CEVT_UI4 0x0046 ReminderMinutesBeforeStart The number of minutes before this Appointment becomes due, before the reminder occurs.
PIMPR_GLOBAL_OBJECT_ID CEVT_BLOB 0x0047 GlobalObjectId The Appointment's unique object identifier (OID).
PIMPR_TIMEZONE CEVT_BLOB 0x0048 RecurringTimeZone The Appointment's time zone.
PIMPR_MEETING_STATUS CEVT_UI4 0x0050 MeetingStatus The Appointment's meeting status.
PIMPR_MEETING_ORGANIZER_NAME CEVT_LPWSTR 0x0051 MeetingOrganizerName The name of the person who organized the Meeting.
PIMPR_MEETING_OWNER_CRITICAL_CHANGE CEVT_FILETIME 0x0052 MeetingOwnerCriticalChange Indicates that the meeting owner wants to update the meeting request. Required when sending an updated meeting request to attendees.

You must call IAppointment::Save on the appointment before using IItem::SetProps to set either PIMPR_MEETING_OWNER_CRITICAL_CHANGE or PIMPR_ATTENDEES_CRITICAL_CHANGE.

PIMPR_ATTENDEES_CRITICAL_CHANGE CEVT_FILETIME 0x0053 AttendeesCriticalChange Indicates that a meeting attendee wants to update the meeting request. Required when sending an updated meeting request back to the meeting owner.

You must call IAppointment::Save on the appointment before using IItem::SetProps to set either PIMPR_MEETING_OWNER_CRITICAL_CHANGE or PIMPR_ATTENDEES_CRITICAL_CHANGE.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib

See Also

Pocket Outlook Object Model API Property Identifiers | IAppointment | ITask | IContact

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