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INPUT TYPE=password XHTML Element

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The INPUT TYPE=password element creates a single-line text entry control, similar to the text control except that text is not displayed as the user enters it. This is an inline element and does not require a closing tag.

Using this Element

There are some common properties and collections that apply to all the elements of the document object model, see Common Properties for All DOM Elements in Internet Explorer Mobile.

This element can be used within a web page with attributes.

This element can be used within scripts where it will have properties, events and methods.


Attribute Value PPC SP Description
ACCESSKEY 0...9, #, * Yes Yes Gives access or focus to an active HTML element by using a keypad number.
Note   For Pocket PCs, supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
CLASS   Yes Yes Associates the element with a CSS style.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
DISABLED   Yes Yes Disables the element so that it appears dimmed and does not respond to user input.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
ID   Yes Yes Uniquely identifies the element within a document.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
MAXLENGTH 0...# Yes Yes Specifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter into the control.
NAME String Yes Yes Specifies the text entry control name, which is submitted along with the text entry control value during forms submission.
ONBLUR   Yes Yes Event that occurs when the text entry control loses focus by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation.
Note   Supported only for devices running PocketPC 2002 and Smartphone 2002 software or later.
ONCHANGE   Yes Yes Event that occurs when the text entry control loses input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
Note   Supported only for devices running PocketPC 2002 and Smartphone 2002 software or later.
ONFOCUS   Yes Yes Event that occurs when the text entry control receives focus by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation.
Note   Supported only for devices running PocketPC 2002 and Smartphone 2002 software or later.
SIZE 0...# Yes Yes Specifies the approximate size of the text entry control, in characters. If a control becomes too wide for the device screen, it is limited to slightly less than the screen width.
STYLE   Yes Yes Provides the definition of the CSS styles used for this element.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
TABINDEX   Yes Yes Sets the order in which elements are tabbed to.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
VALUE String Yes Yes Specifies the initial value for the text entry control, which is submitted along with the entry control name during forms submission.

Scripting Properties

Property Type Access Comments
accessKey string Read/Write  
defaultValue string Read/Write Retrieves the default value (initial contents) of the input type=password control.
disabled boolean Read/Write  
form object Read Only  
maxLength long Read/Write  
name string Read Only  
readOnly boolean Read/Write  
size long Read Only  
type string Read Only Always returns: password
value string Read/Write Sets or retrieves the value of the input type=password control

Scripting Events

Event Supported Comment
onchange Yes This event fires when the contents of the input type=password have changed and the user commits the change (by leaving the input type=password which has focus).
onfocus Yes  
onblur Yes  

Scripting Methods

Method Support Comments
focus Yes Syntax:


  • Sets focus to the input type=password control.
select Yes Syntax:

  • This method is not supported in Internet Explorer Mobile.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later

See Also

XHTML Elements

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