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Accessing Device Emulator Documentation

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The Device Emulator can serve as a substitute for a physical device during much of the development cycle of a smart device project.

Because the Device Emulator can be used from a variety of development environments, such as Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio .NET 2003, and Platform Builder for Windows CE 5.0 and later, the documentation for the Device Emulator is attached to the emulator itself rather than included with the documentation of the development environment.

The Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK includes Device Emulator images for several Windows Mobile-based smart devices, and includes Pocket PC and Smartphone options. These images support nearly all Device Emulator options.

Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK images for the Device Emulator do not support the /flash command-line switch, which enables flashing a NAND device.

To access Device Emulator documentation

  1. Launch the Device Emulator from Visual Studio.

    For more information, see Launching the Device Emulator from Visual Studio.

  2. From the Device Emulator window, choose Help, then Contents.

    The Device Emulator help file opens. You can browse the topics, or search for a particular topic.

See Also

Device Emulator Overview

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