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How to: Begin a MAPI Session

Before you can access a message store, you must initialize the MAPI subsystem and log onto a MAPI session. This gives you a referfence to an IMAPISession interface object, which you can use to access the message store table, message stores, message folders, and messages.

To begin the MAPI session

  1. Increment the MAPI subsystem reference count, and initialize global data for the MAPI DLL with the MAPIInitialize global MAPI function, as follows:

    hr = MAPIInitialize(NULL);
  2. Log onto a MAPI session with the MAPILogonEx global MAPI function, and get a reference to an ICEMAPISession interface object:

    hr = MAPILogonEx(0, NULL, NULL, 0, (LPMAPISESSION *)&pSession);


The following code demonstrates how to begin a MAPI session.

ICEMAPISession * pSession = NULL;

hr = MAPIInitialize(NULL);
if (hr != S_OK) {
    // MAPIInitialize failed.
               _T("MAPIInitialize failed."),
    exit(0);  // Replace with specific error handling.

hr = MAPILogonEx(0, NULL, NULL, 0, (LPMAPISESSION *)&pSession);
if (hr != S_OK) {
    // MAPILogonEx failed.
               _T("MAPILogonEx failed."),
    exit(0);  // Replace with specific error handling.

See Also


Messaging Overview

How to: Connect to a Message Store

How to: Create a Message

How to: Send a Message

How to: End a MAPI Session

Messaging Sample Code

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