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Messaging Sample Code

The Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 SDK ships with a set of code samples that use MAPI. The default install location them is C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce420\POCKET PC 2003\Samples\Win32\.

Sample Description
Cellcore\SMS\Hello SMS Demonstrates a simple SMS message sender.
Cellcore\WDP_SMS Shows how to send and receive WDP messages over SMS, using SMS to transport data.
CtxMenu Demonstrates how to use customized context menus.
MapiRule Demonstrates how to implement a MAPI Rules Client.
SendMail Shows how to send an e-mail message using MAPI.
TransportDemo Shows how to create a customized Messaging transport.

See Also


Messaging Overview

Pocket Outlook Object Model

How to: Begin a MAPI Session

How to: Connect to a Message Store

How to: Create a Message

How to: Send a Message

How to: End a MAPI Session

How to: Register Customized Messaging Forms

How to: Register Customized Messaging Rules Clients

How to: Register Customized Messaging Transports

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