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IWMDMStorage4::GetRightsWithProgress (deprecated)

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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

This topic documents a feature of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK. We recommend that you migrate your application to use the Windows Portable Devices API. For more information, see the Windows Portable Devices SDK.

The GetRightsWithProgress method retrieves the rights information for the storage object, providing a callback mechanism for monitoring progress.


HRESULT GetRightsWithProgress(
  IWMDMProgress3*  pIProgressCallback,
  PWMDMRIGHTS*  ppRights,
  UINT*  pnRightsCount



[in]  Optional pointer to an IWMDMProgress3 interface to be used by Windows Media Device Manager to report progress back to the application.


[out]  Pointer to an array of WMDMRIGHTS structures that contain the storage object rights information. Memory for this array is allocated by Windows Media Device Manager. When the calling application has finished accessing this array, the memory must be freed by using CoTaskMemFree.


[out]  Pointer to the number of WMDMRIGHTS structures in the ppRights array.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. All the interface methods in Windows Media Device Manager can return any of the following classes of error codes:

  • Standard COM error codes
  • Windows error codes converted to HRESULT values
  • Windows Media Device Manager error codes

For an extenstive list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.

Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.
E_INVALIDARG Either ppRights or pnRightsCount is NULL.
WMDM_E_NOTSUPPORTED Rights are not supported for this object.
WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED The caller is not certified.
WMDM_E_MAC_CHECK_FAILED The message authentication check failed.


Object rights describe the usage permissions for digital media content. For example, the WMDMRIGHTS structure can contain information concerning how many times a file can be played and who can play it.

Retrieving rights from a licensed file can sometimes be a lengthy request; this function allows a rights request to be performed asynchronously.

The secure content provider can generate event notifications on the callback pIProgressCallback in addition to the progress notifications. Examples of such events include acquiring a secure clock, initializing DRM, and so on. These events are described in IWMDMProgress3::Progress3.

This method is identical to IWMDMStorage::GetRights, except it returns progress, and does not provide a MAC for parameter verification.


Header: Defined in mswmdm.h.

Library: mssachlp.lib

See Also