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RetrieveMultiple Message

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Retrieves a collection of business entities of a specified type based on query criteria.

The relevant classes are specified in the following table.

Type Class
Request RetrieveMultipleRequest
Response RetrieveMultipleResponse
Entity See below.

The following table shows the entities that support this message.

Entity Target class
account TargetRetrieveAccount
activitypointer TargetRetrieveActivityPointer
annotation TargetRetrieveAnnotation
annualfiscalcalendar TargetRetrieveAnnualFiscalCalendar
appointment TargetRetrieveAppointment
businessunit TargetRetrieveBusinessUnit
businessunitnewsarticle TargetRetrieveBusinessUnitNewsArticle
calendar TargetRetrieveCalendar
campaign TargetRetrieveCampaign
campaignactivity TargetRetrieveCampaignActivity
campaignresponse TargetRetrieveCampaignResponse
competitor TargetRetrieveCompetitor
constraintbasedgroup TargetRetrieveConstraintBasedGroup
contact TargetRetrieveContact
contract TargetRetrieveContract
contractdetail TargetRetrieveContractDetail
contracttemplate TargetRetrieveContractTemplate
customeraddress TargetRetrieveCustomerAddress
discount TargetRetrieveDiscount
discounttype TargetRetrieveDiscountType
email TargetRetrieveEmail
equipment TargetRetrieveEquipment
fax TargetRetrieveFax
fixedmonthlyfiscalcalendar TargetRetrieveFixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar
incident TargetRetrieveIncident
incidentresolution TargetRetrieveIncidentResolution
invoice TargetRetrieveInvoice
invoicedetail TargetRetrieveInvoiceDetail
kbarticle TargetRetrieveKbArticle
kbarticlecomment TargetRetrieveKbArticleComment
kbarticletemplate TargetRetrieveKbArticleTemplate
lead TargetRetrieveLead
letter TargetRetrieveLetter
list TargetRetrieveList
monthlyfiscalcalendar TargetRetrieveMonthlyFiscalCalendar
opportunity TargetRetrieveOpportunity
opportunityclose TargetRetrieveOpportunityClose
opportunityproduct TargetRetrieveOpportunityProduct
orderclose TargetRetrieveOrderClose
phonecall TargetRetrievePhoneCall
plugintype TargetRetrievePluginType
pricelevel TargetRetrievePriceLevel
product TargetRetrieveProduct
productpricelevel TargetRetrieveProductPriceLevel
quarterlyfiscalcalendar TargetRetrieveQuarterlyFiscalCalendar
queue TargetRetrieveQueue
queueitem TargetRetrieveQueueItem
quote TargetRetrieveQuote
quoteclose TargetRetrieveQuoteClose
quotedetail TargetRetrieveQuoteDetail
relationshiprole TargetRetrieveRelationshipRole
relationshiprolemap TargetRetrieveRelationshipRoleMap
resource TargetRetrieveResource
resourcegroup TargetRetrieveResourcesGroup
resourcespec TargetRetrieveResourcesSpec
role TargetRetrieveRole
salesliterature TargetRetrieveSalesLiterature
salesliteratureitem TargetRetrieveSalesLiteratureItem
salesorder TargetRetrieveSalesOrder
salesorderdetail TargetRetrieveSalesOrderDetail
savedquery TargetRetrieveSavedQuery
semiannualfiscalcalendar TargetRetrieveSemiAnnualFiscalCalendar
service TargetRetrieveService
serviceappointment TargetRetrieveServiceAppointment
site TargetRetrieveSite
subject TargetRetrieveSubject
systemuser TargetRetrieveSystemUser
task TargetRetrieveTask
team TargetRetrieveTeam
template TargetRetrieveTemplate
territory TargetRetrieveTerritory
uom TargetRetrieveUoM
uomschedule TargetRetrieveUoMSchedule
userquery TargetRetrieveUserQuery
wfprocessinstance TargetRetrieveWFProcessInstance
Custom entity TargetRetrieveX where X is the name of the custom entity
Dynamic entity TargetRetrieveDynamic


To perform this action, the caller must have access rights on the specified entity instance. For a list of required privileges, see RetrieveMultiple Privileges.


The following code examples shows how to use the RetrieveMultiple message.

// Set up the CRM Service.
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

// Create the column set that indicates the fields to be retrieved.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet();

// Sets the properties of the column set.
cols.Attributes = new string [] {"name", "accountid"};

// Create the condition expression.
ConditionExpression condition = new ConditionExpression();

// Set the condition for the retrieval to be when the city in the account's address is Sammamish.
condition.AttributeName = "address1_city";
condition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like;
condition.Values = new string [] {"Sammamish"};

// Create the filter expression.
FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression();

// Set the properties of the filter.
filter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
filter.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] {condition};

// Create the QueryExpression object.
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression();

// Set the properies of the QueryExpression object.
query.EntityName = EntityName.account.ToString();
query.ColumnSet = cols;
query.Criteria = filter;

// Create the request object.
RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieve = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();

// Set the properties of the request object.
retrieve.Query = query;

// Execute the request.
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)service.Execute(retrieve);

[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set up the CRM Service.
Dim service As New CrmService()
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

' Create the column set that indicates the fields to be retrieved.
Dim cols As New ColumnSet()

' Set the properties of the column set.
cols.Attributes = New String() {"name", "accountid"}

' Create the condition expression.
Dim condition As New ConditionExpression()

' Set the condition for the retrieval to be when the city in the account's address is Sammamish.
condition.AttributeName = "address1_city"
condition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like
condition.Values = New String() {"Sammamish"}

' Create the filter expression.
Dim filter As New FilterExpression()

' Set the properties of the filter.
filter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And
filter.Conditions = New ConditionExpression() {condition}

' Create the QueryExpression object.
Dim query As New QueryExpression()

' Set the properties of the QueryExpression object.
query.EntityName = EntityName.account.ToString()
query.ColumnSet = cols
query.Criteria = filter

' Create the request object.
Dim retrieve As New RetrieveMultipleRequest()

' Set the properties of the request object.
retrieve.Query = query

' Execute the request.
Dim retrieved As RetrieveMultipleResponse = CType(service.Execute(retrieve), RetrieveMultipleResponse)

Example 2

// Return accounts whose owner's last name is not Cannon.

// Create a column set holding the names of the columns to be retrieved.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet();

// Set the properties of the column set.
cols.Attributes = new string [] {"name", "accountid"};

// Create the condition expression.
ConditionExpression condition = new ConditionExpression();

// Set the condition for the retrieval to be when the last name of the account owner is not Cannon.
condition.AttributeName = "lastname";
condition.Operator = ConditionOperator.NotEqual;
condition.Values = new string [] {"Cannon"};

// Build the filter based on the condition.
FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression();
filter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
filter.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] {condition};

// Create a LinkEntity to link the owner's information to the account.
LinkEntity link = new LinkEntity();

// Set the properties of the LinkEntity.
link.LinkCriteria = filter;

// Set the linking entity to be the account.
link.LinkFromEntityName = EntityName.account.ToString();

// Set the name of the attribute being linked to.
link.LinkFromAttributeName = "owninguser";

// Set the entity being linked to be the systemuser.
link.LinkToEntityName = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();

// Set the attribute linking to the systemuser to be the owninguser.
link.LinkToAttributeName = "systemuserid";

// Create the query.
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression();

// Set the properties of the query.
query.EntityName = EntityName.account.ToString();
query.ColumnSet = cols;
query.LinkEntities = new LinkEntity[] {link};

// Create the request object.
RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieve = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();

// Set the properties of the request object.
retrieve.Query = query;

// Execute the request.
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved2 = (RetrieveMultipleResponse) service.Execute(retrieve);

Related Topics

CrmService Messages


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