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Web Parts

At the heart of the Digital Dashboard are Web Parts. Web Parts are reusable components that contain Web-based content, such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) code, HTML pages, or script, and that support a set of standard properties that determine how the Web Parts are rendered in a Digital Dashboard. Because Web Parts adhere to a common standard, you can store them in libraries that you use to assemble all of the Digital Dashboards for your organization.

Many dashboard and Web Part properties are user-specific, but administrators can control the extent to which a user can modify Web Parts or dashboards. For example, you can lock down the Web Parts in a given dashboard, making it impossible for users to remove them.

In This Section

  • Web Part Properties
    The Web Part properties fall into four categories: basic, appearance, content, and execution. The basic properties define basic metadata for a Web Part. The appearance properties define how a Web Part appears on a dashboard. The content properties describe the content that the Web Part renders. The execution properties specify how the Web Part runs on the dashboard.
  • Ways to Add Web Parts to Your Dashboard
    After you create a dashboard, you can tailor its functionality by adding Web Parts. Web Parts determine the content of a Digital Dashboard and can display any type of information or Web format that you would like to implement.
  • Types of Web Parts
    You can build Web Parts from three places: Microsoft® Office XP Developer, the dashboard itself, or the Web Part Builder add-in for Microsoft® Visual InterDev®.
  • Guidelines for Building Good Web Parts
    Good Web Parts deliver targeted information tailored to specific users in a manner that is appropriate for a Digital Dashboard. The look and feel of your Web Parts should be appealing to users and appropriate for a Digital Dashboard.
  • How a Digital Dashboard Factory Interprets Web Parts
    A Digital Dashboard factory initializes Web Parts, gets content, and displays the content on the dashboard.
  • Developing a Digital Dashboard Using Web Parts
    A Digital Dashboard is a container that provides a customized display of information consolidated from a various information sources. Every Digital Dashboard is a web page containing one or more Web Parts, which are individual objects that contain data or script that presents information to the user.
  • Understanding the Digital Dashboard
    A Digital Dashboard provides a flexible means of assembling, in one place, the information from a variety of sources, based on the requirements of the dashboard user.