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Web Part Properties

Web Parts that you create in Microsoft® Office XP Developer belong to the content class urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:Webpart:.

Schema properties specify how a Web Part looks, the location from which it obtains content, how it runs, whether the user can customize its properties, and so on. All property names belong to the content class urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:Webpart:.

When creating Web Parts in Office Developer, the property values that you specify for the Web Parts are the global defaults, that is, those used by default by everyone accessing the dashboard. However, dashboards can store user-specific property values for each user, so different users can have different values for these properties. Properties that are not user specific are metadata properties stored on the server.

The Web Part properties fall into four categories: basic, appearance, content, and execution. The basic properties define basic metadata for a Web Part. The appearance properties define how a Web Part appears on a dashboard. The content properties describe the content that the Web Part renders. The execution properties specify how the Web Part runs on the dashboard.

Web part properties fall into the following categories:

  • Basic metadata   This includes title, description, and date that the Web Part was last modified, and so on.
  • Content   The content of a Web Part can include Extensible Markup Language (XML) or HTML, or it can include Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) or Microsoft® JScript® that retrieves and renders the Web Part data.
  • **Appearance   **This includes the height, width, and so on of the Web Part.
  • Execution   This includes whether and how often Web Part content is refreshed and whether the Web Part is isolated from other Web Parts on the dashboard.

Basic Properties

Property Name User Specific Description
Description No Description of the Web Part
LastModified Yes Date and time the Web Part was last modified
(in Greenwich mean time)
Title Yes Title of the Web Part
Namespace No Namespace for the Web Part

Appearance Properties

Property Name User Specific Description
AllowMinimize No Indicates whether the user can minimize the Web Part
AllowRemove No Indicates whether a user can remove the Web Part from the dashboard
DetailLink No URL to a detail page for the Web Part, which is often a full-page user interface for the Web Part
FrameState Yes Indicates the frame state of a Web Part (normal or minimized)
HasFrame No Is TRUE if you want the Web Part to include a frame with title and buttons
Height Yes Fixed height for the Web Part in the dashboard
IsIncluded Yes Indicates whether the Web Part should be included in the dashboard
IsVisible Yes Makes a Web Part visible or invisible in the dashboard view
PartOrder Yes The order of the Web Part relative to other Web Parts in the same zone
Width Yes Specifies a fixed width for the Web Part in the dashboard view
Zone Yes The area of the dashboard in which the Web Part is located

Content Properties

Property Name User Specific Description
ContentLink No URL to use instead of the embedded content
ContentType No Indicates the type of embedded content the Web Part contains (HTML, VBScript, JScript, XML, and so on) — read-only properties

Execution Properties

Property Name User Specific Description
CacheBehavior No Controls whether and how a dashboard factory should cache content — settings are None, All Users, or Each User
CacheTimeout No How long a dashboard factory should keep cached results
CustomizationLink No URL to a page that makes it possible for the user to customize the operation of the Web Part
MasterPartLink No URL to a master version of the Web Part
PartStorage Yes Element for storing Web Part state and customization information
RequiresIsolation No Indicates whether to isolate the Web Part from other Web Parts
XSL No Embedded XSL style sheet to use on the Web Part's content before rendering the content to a dashboard
XSLLink No URL to an XSL style sheet to use on the Web Part's content before rendering the content to a dashboard

See Also

Developing a Digital Dashboard Using Web Parts | Web Parts